belly button henariah

edited October 2011 in Babies Health
Not sure of the spelling my baby has it it when their belly button is sticking out n it may or may not go away by the time she turns 1 she's a week old any mommas know how ti get rid of it


  • My son has the same thing. It shouldnt cause any pain or anything, you cant really get rid of it but I hear all kinds of stories on how too. He still has it at almost 2 yrs old but its slowly going away
  • What kind of stories? N wow it just bothers me @Bahamamama4828
  • i have heard taping the belly button shut or taping a coin over the belly button. I wouldnt worry too much about it unless your babys doc is concerned
  • I have 1 had it since birth & so does my daughter who is now 2 & it never caused her problems they offered surgery when she was 1 but I refused it because I didn't want her in unnecessary pain she is perfectly fine. now my cousins son had 1 too & she tied a string around it & it fell off so its really up to you
  • My son had one and you could see his intestines in it. Dr wasn't concerned but my son always cried especially when his bowels moved. Dr said there was no way it was causing him any pain. I would tape a quarter over it to hold his intestine in and he seemed more comfortable. It fixed itself before he was 2. He's had no problems since. As long as it doesn't appear to cause pain i wouldn't worry too much.
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