Things you wished you had known about newborns..



  • @Kingsmama lol thats funny but true (I worked in the infant room at a day car for 2 years) I am prepaired for that one!
  • @MattandMallory27. Lol I learned the hard way, but it only took 1 time to learn my lesson. My sin didn't feel well that day and he had the bubble gut thing that day. 1st mistake- thinkin he was done and not letting him sit for a min to finish up. I was changing him on the couch too. Thank god it was b4 the new one came! I put a wipe on his butt and he pushed hard! It literally sprayed about 2 feet out from his butt all across my legs, up the back of the couch, across a pillow and on my shirt! Then he had the nerve to smile like he did it on purpose!
    2 days later I was changing him again and he sneezed and started to pee...well before I could cover and re aim his penis down he had peed in his mouth and eye! It soaked his whole face and head. He didn't mind the pee but when I put wipes on him he wanted nothing to do with it!
  • Babies hate wipes...I guess cause they're cold??? Especially on their face...never met one that doesn't hate that.
  • Lol I'm scared to get sprayed with poop now..
  • Lol @pawgio to avoid being sprayes by poop always change from the side of the baby dont have the baby directly in front of you, also always keep them covered eveb if its just placing a burp cloth over them while you do your thing.
  • @littlefae I never would have though of that! You probably just saved me from being shot.. but I'm having a boy so I'm sure he's gonna get me eentually :(
  • That they get startled easily I thought my son was having seizures, I was terrified. That all they do is eat sleep potty, that you use about a pack of diapers in about 3 days.
  • When you dream feed do you burp your baby after they eat?
  • Get a wipee warmer. It keeps Ur wipes warm for Ur little 1's booty. My son don't evn cry at diaper changes. But if u do get a wipee warmer, put a little bit of water in the bottom of the warmer so the water evaporates an keeps Ur wipes moist. When I 1st got it I didn't put water in the bottom an my wipes kept drying out.
  • at 4-5 days old they CONSTANTLY want boob, and get extremely fussy if they dont get fed almost every 30 minutes. makes your milk come in. They pee red sometimes, perfectly normal. They puke almost more than they eat. If you get frustrated hand baby to daddy if he is calm, baby will fall asleep in about 20 seconds. There are about 2 million other things I can't think of at the moment but when I do, I will come back :)
  • OH if you have a vaginal delivery, be prepaired to not be able to sit right for a couple of weeks, your ENTIRE body is going to ache and hurt and stock up on dermaplast spray.... you wont be able to live with out it ESP if you tear. Peeing will burn like a mofo if you get stictchs. You will have no time to do anything in between feedings if you breast feed, and you will get puked on more than you could ever imagine lol. they pee out the side of their diapers a lot, you will change clothes about 5 times a day. On your way home, baby will most likely poop all the way up its back, down its legs, all over carseat, blankets, ect.... what a fun time that is. you are gonna cry about everything, every cute thing baby does is gonna make you tear up, you will not be able to stop staring at them... ever... when you aren't looking at baby, you are looking at pics you took of baby.
  • Oh, to help avoid pee leakage from diapers with a boy make sure to tuck the penis down.
    Ive been changing diapers since I was 8 so I have tone of tricks lol.
    Another one for boys is when you do a diaper change blow air on the penis and put the old diaper back while you get the new one ready. They pee because the cooll air.
    Also, you can tell.when they are going to pre, their penis will start to look a little fuller and might point up or to the side. Quickly throw a cloth burp rag over him lol, it you from getting pee everywhere
  • @littlefae Imma have to remember the cool air thing!! I have yet to get peed on, but thats handy!!
  • U will never fall into a deep sleep again (atleast not while they are newborns) and the fast breathing is normal!
  • Dream feeding is when u feed baby while there sleeping my little one goes down at 7after a bottle then about 10i make a bottle feed him it while hes sleepin and he stays asleep the whole night! Sometimes he wakes up if he has wind put very very rare hes probably woken up 4times after a dream feed since he was 3weeks hes now 4 months!! Look it up online good luck
  • @sunshinelove where do you buy dermaplast spray?
  • Wal mart! Somewhere in the cosmetics with tooth brushes, tampons, and traveling goods I believe.
  • @sunshinelove thank you! How much do you think I'll need?
  • What is dermaplast
  • Dremaplast is awesome along with the witch hazel tuck things...used them with my first and this one.since the Dr cut me n I have stitches. Don't sit straight up if u have stitches. Little pressure as possible down there. Feed ur baby whenever they're hungry.
  • *dremAPLAST
  • Damn it...dermaplast
  • @alwayzbeenurz2008 it's spray for after you deliver to clean yourself after you go to the bathroom and to relieve some pain
  • I wish someone would have warned me about babies sleeping with their eyes open. My little Adalyn falls asleep then will open her eyes and they are all twitchy and they roll around. Its pretty creepy but apparently totally normal.
  • Mine came natural! I knew when something was wrong and what it was. I had never held a newborn before mine! Hopefully the same will happen for you!
  • Always trust your instincts, wish I knew that doctors are not always right.... You know your baby and if there's something wrong fight tooth and nail until you get a proper diagnosis
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