Things you wished you had known about newborns..

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 35 weeks today and I don't feel prepared at all! I'm worried that I don't know anything!! So I would LOVE if you mammas would share some things you wished you would have known, tricks, things that shocked you, anything! :)


  • that they sleep so much you worry... that you worry about EVERYTHING ... EVERYTHING. Atleast I do lol
  • bump curious too
  • When u first bring them home n they are not swaddled they get startled and it looks scary n freaky. With my first I was so scared I thought something was wrong with her like she was having some kind of spasm or seizure but it was just because they are so used to being swaddled lol
  • That there isn't really a textbook that will have all your answers. You gotta kinda think on your feet a bit? Lol
  • That they are already their own little person already with attitude and spunk :) they sleep a lot and you will worry about everything. My biggest was wow I could love something so much and worry even more! Btw you will never be trully ready but it's one of those jump in and it will all come to you!!!! It's absolutely amazing
  • How much my son pees shocked me. How heavy the god forsaken stroller and carrier are...and my fiance and I spent for-ev-er picking one out (travel system)...thought we got a relatively lightweight one (cuz I have a bad back) and dang, that stupid stroller is sooo heavy to lift in and out of my trunk. I also thought I'd be sooo sleep deprived but it's not as bad as I thought. How much he wants to use my boobs as a pacifier rather than a food source surprises me still (he's a month old and won't take a binkie...but 2 seconds on the tit and he's out like a light).
  • Thanks ladies! :) oh and does anyone think that those what to expect in the first years books are necessary? I mean with the internet and all.. ?
  • lol i doctor always gives me the what to expect while expecting and what to expect the first year for free so its always just to read and have on hand.
  • I think the books are better....the internet has such inaccurate information and all it does is freak me out :p
  • this was an awesome idea! thank you!!! and btw... i have the first years books, i think theyre a godsend, i feel more at ease knowing what ive read in there, and its not bis, it has both sides to everything, so awesome, i agree the internet can scare you with its inaccurate info...
  • Here is one
    That your baby will make all sorts of noises especially in their sleep that might freak you out. And their.breathing can suddenly change that can be startling to see.
    That they can sound congested but are not. As long as their is no thick yellow green boogies and no temp the congestion sound is normal, its just flem from the milk in the back of their throat and they will clear it on their own which will look like they are choking when it happens. As long as they do not turn blue and are breathing after dont panic. This happens with both.breastfed and formula fed babies.
  • The best time to do their nails is while they are sleeping. And a good trick is to.chew/bite them off instead if cutting them so you dont have to worry about cutting their.finger.

    Get sleepers with the open elastic bottoms they are so much easier for three in the morning diaper changes instead.of trying to do all of those snaps with one tired eye open
  • And I say go for.the books internet can ve very misleading at times or overly frightning
  • Such a good post! Bump!
  • I was surprised how much they sleep! Frankly they are pretty boring when they are newborns lol its a lot more fun now that my daughter is 4 months n talks all the time doesn't want to lay down she would rather sit or stand and laughs all the time! Also I was surprised to learn not all babies poop a million times today, my daughter only poops every few days which Dr say is "normal"
  • @iLoveMYboys OMG me too!!! i was so worried that something was wrong cuz he slept so much...i usually wake up b4 him :/
  • My own personal suggestions would be dont do everything by the book mothers instinct is lways right! Dobt compare ur baby with other peoples babies they r all so different! Dtart as u mean to go on if u want a routine decide on one and stick to it! Things i wish people had told me would be about dream feeding this is amazing my baby has slept through the night from 3weeks old!
    Also let baby learn to fall asleep on their own! I spent the first few weeks rockin my baby to sleep and he got used to it and it was a hard habit to break!
    There were so many things i though if only i knew tht before but like i said before mothers instinct u will know best for ur baby and it will all come to u! Good luck :-)
  • @denois what is dream feeding?
  • Bump and yea @denois what is dream feeding?
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  • When they poop, they POOP! sooooo much pooooooop! Lol.. you will go through a gazillion outfits in a day
  • she'd be my personal alarm clock, waking me up everyday at 2am :-)
  • U learn to change a diaper at 2am in the pitch black of night while half asleep in 20 seconds flat!
    Listen to ur motherly instinct cuz most likely ur right, and its scary sometimes lol.
  • Babies can spray shit from their ass with great accuracy!
  • Your baby can change personalities over night. My daughter hardly ever cried until she was 6 weeks old, and now she's a crazy little thing that needs constant entertainment! This has been going on for 3 wks, she's 9 wks now.
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