@ExcitedForOctober thanks!! Was not expecting to wake up to my water breaking @630 a.m. was only a finger tip dilated so getting pitocin. I had lightening bolt pains every now & then since about 32wks. Means they're settling in place! Good luck to u
my due date was yesterday and Still a whole lot of nothing going on !!!! I am accually a little energized today !!!! yesterday I did feel sloppy but I guess I must take it day to day and let my baby overbake just a little longer.
i want mine out too.. no fair my due date buddy got help!! thats cheating lol.. i have my 38wks apt on mon.. my ob usually doesnt do any of that stuff.. nore does she do vag exams .. so im kinda scared to ask .. but i will see if she will at least do and internal.. ugh.. ive been doing everything i can to encourage his lil head into the the locked and loaded.. position.. luck to you @ExcitedForOctober @michellebz07 ive been sore since wk 28 and im so freaken ready for my guy.. comon baby .. im due oct 21!
well i know you must be just as uncomfortable as i am so i will send you some labor dust.. wouldnt it be awsome if we both went into labor some time this wk!!! same day.. lol.. im so anxouse!! :-D @ExcitedForOctober
4days left... feeling like ima b pregnant forever only 1cm and soft not having any real contractions I think my little man is comfortable he dnt wanna come out I'm so ready to pop I'm tired of being prego
due the 15, but being induced monday night, my doctor is leaving town for a week on the 13, and lo is supposed to be big, she's very comfy so it should be interesting...
Having scheduled C-section on the 21st... omg Im feeling so much pain esp on my back and left leg... no swelling yet. Im just really excited for these 12 days to go by so I can see my little guy! Oh and Im snoring and moaning in my sleep! its so weird.
I'm due the 20th and nothing is happening contractions every few mins but there very very bareable (sp?) Oh and I'm exhausted and tired and can't poop I want my water to breakk alreadyy (hurry up little girl!!!!)
Due 10/22 my vagina feels like its been kicked a thousand times from all the pressure. Last night lots of braxton hicks and today some mild period like cramps maybe he is getting ready? My bf says Monday (tomorrow ) night he will be here. I say the 16th. Knowing my luck he will be a November baby lol. I'm going to ask my Dr my next apt if I cam get my membranes stripped.
@steph_due_101611 I am not sure what we are having. We left it a surprise I can't wait to find out! Yeah for a little girl for you! Do you have a name ready for her?
@steph_due_101611 what a pretty name! I am a little nervous about the csection. Esp the spinal block that will have me off my feet for a full day, but it is that safest way to get our little ones here so..... do you have family coming in to help you?
@2sweets I'll have help while in the hospital but after i go home i wont have much help and i have a son who's 4 and 2 of my sisters kids to take care of on top of the new baby.
@michellebz07 ive been sore since wk 28 and im so freaken ready for my guy.. comon baby .. im due oct 21!
I'm so ready to pop I'm tired of being prego