my sweet baby Audriana is here & my story :] **pics included!!**

edited October 2011 in Giving birth
Welcome My sweet angel Audriana Kristine
10/09/11 9:28 am
8lbs 8oz 20inches long

My story...wooo buddy!
It started Saturday 10/8/11

I woke up early that morning feeling the urge to clean the shit out of my house haha so my hubby and i did a ton of cleaning while im having a few contractions here and there but im not thinking about it bc i have been having contractions on and off forever..anyways so after cleaning my hubby went to pick up his brother to come stay the night with us bc he was in from new mexico for the birth of our daughter which was a scheduled induction for wednesday 10/12/11. We had thanksgiving for dinner which was amazing bc i had been craving it and my neighbor who is a l&d nurse said that the herbs in the stuffing cause you to go into labor & then we went to walmart and i walked around..By the time we got home my contractions were every 4-5 minutes apart and im kinda trying everything i know to see if they stop bc i refused to go to the hospital during this pregnancy and leave with no baby. So after they had been every 4-5 minutes for 3 hours i decided it was time to shower and shave lol by this time it was 330am then i called my wonderful doctor who told me id better go get checked so it was off to the hospital for my husband brother and law and I. when we got there i was 4 cm contracting every 3-4 minutes i walked around the hospital for an hour and was at 5 cm! since there was a change i got to stay!! i got to my room around 6:30! i decided to try and get the epi i got the epi and of course it FAILED! i def thought i was in for a long road. the doctor came in and broke my water at about 8am and 6cm. by 7cm i was having pretty bad back labor and pressure so my nurse said since the epi lady was stuck in surgery i couldnt get a re do on my it looked like natural labor for me!! the nurse then said lets try and push past my cervix i was waiting for my mom to get there so i was like ahh this is going soo fast! i pushed 2 times and she went and got the doctor within that 3 minutes of the doctor coming in and checking me i was 10cm.. i pushed for about 10 minutes and about 4 pushes and an incredible amount of pain from the natural birth i wasnt expecting or preparing myself for my sweet audriana was born at 9:28 am. it was so worth every bit i went through and it happened SOO fast! my mom even missed it! that was definatly an experience i will never forget :] ♥

just thought id share my story!




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