Really bad headaches normal??????

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Im 14weeks n.been gettin bad headaches is this normal??


  • Im 5 weeks and I have horrible migraines.
  • Yeh I was told it was. I have awful headaches to where I can hardly see cuz it hurts so bad and that's been going on for awhile and an now 17 weeks
  • The headaches are caused by your body producing extra progesterion (spell check)
  • Yeah its normal I have them didn't have them this bad before my first pregnancy was bad and my second don't remember having them at all I was surprised when my Dr gave me vicodin I didn't think you take it pregnant and sent me to a head Dr he gave me vicodin too I haven't taken it haven't had one really bad for a couple weeks but the headaches are back just don't want the migraines
  • I've never really had bad headaches, ever. Now that I'm pregnant.. I'm getting them A LOT. It's getting ridiculous.
  • When I'm not pregnant I hardly ever get a headache just glad they go away after having the baby
  • I had really bad migranes that jus would not go away.. then started blurry vision and my doctor told me it could be pre-clampsia.. so I'm not sure if that's ur issue but if u take tylenol and it doesn't go away u should get checked out bcuz its very dangerous to get pre-clampsia... hope u get better :)
  • im the same real bad migranes since being pregnant alls i wana do when i get 1 is lie down an try to sleep it off
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