Induction? Scared ..need advice

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
So I go to the doctor today at 2:20 to see if my cervix has made any change. If it has I'm grtting induced and I'm really nervous about it. I need all the advice I can get !! Was it bad? How long did labor last? I'm just worried sick and want to hear some induction stories. So help me out (:


  • I went in at 7am to be induced and had him at 11:21pm that night. It wasn't bad at all and they had me on pitocin since about 8am. Just relax and you will be fine!
  • @bigbelly I'm just nervous about the pitocin. I have SO many medicine allergies and what not I just hope something doesn't go wrong. And it end up having to be a c section. Seems like inductions end in c section more now days.
  • There are other ways to induce you. Talk to your doc and see what he says. I was absolutely against having a cs so when they said push I pushed like hell lol.
  • @bigbelly I'm very against having a cs myself. I just wanted it to happen on it's own but it doesn't look promising.
  • I'd ask about cervidil. It softens your cervix slowly. Also cytotec. I had a great experience with cytotec. No pitocin was needed! However it is not FDA approved and has risks and benefits. Next baby I'd go for cervidil if needed. I was induced because of high blood pressure. Total time was 13 hours. Active labor started after 2 doses and 7 hours. I was horrified about an induction but mine went so well.
  • I went in the night before and had cerdival placed, it softens the cervix, then the next morning they took it out and started pitocin and I was 1cm I had back labor almost right away and by noon I was 4cm and got an epidural (that back labor is no joke) relaxed until 6pm and I was 7cm by 7:25 she was born :) it was all worth it! Dont stress!
  • I started pitocin at 10am, broke my water at 12... Had an epi around 3 and around 4pm I went from 3cm to 9cm in a half hr. By the timei got to 10cm and they got everything set up and my dr came it was 8:00. I pushed for 25mins and that was that! 10 hrs of labor. I couldn't of asked for a more perfect induction! Didn't feel an ounce of pain and only had two scratches. I'll say a prayer yours goes well :)
  • I was in labor for 40hrs. It was horrible and I had contractions so bad my heart rate dropped and so did my sons. I wanted to go all natural but it came down to get an epi or have a cs...

    I refuse to be induced this time unless my placenta starts not doing its job! I hope yours is easy and goes well!
  • Im terrified too...mine is scheduled for oct 21 so my husband that is in the military can be here...i am already dilated to a 3 and 75percent effaced so im hoping it will all go pretty quick and smooth...good luck!!
  • ive been induced twice.. for being overdue and my best advice is to stay calm and roll with the punches if something comes up just keep calm cause thats whats best for a smooth deliver.. both of my deliverys i had to be put on oxygen for decelerations.. and they worked themselves out.. so if somethin like this happends which is common.. dont jump to conclusions and just try to stay calm .. good luck!! you will and baby will be fine.. :X
  • I was induced at 39 weeks I was already a "loose" 3cm.. pitocin started at 1pm at 8pm I was 5cm and got my epidural then They broke my water then I was a 6. By 330am I was 10cm so They git stuff ready started pushing at 340 had my baby girl at 348.. I pushed like hell also! My baby's heart rate was going down so I had to get her out quick.. only pushed through 2 contractions. 16hr labor!
  • I went in 6am to be induced, started pitocin @ 8am, broke my water @ 12noon & had him the next day @ 9:06am. Labor was about 27hrs, it sucked I ended up having to get a c-section because he wouldn't engage in my pelvis bcuz he was sideways. My experience was horrible, I had a fever & blood pressure kept dropping. I wish you luck, keep us updated :D
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