25 weeks & still not really showing & ppl are saying ur not prego what do u do to not get offended

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Need some advice cuz it really upsets me


  • Slap em with an ultrasound, irrefutable evidence.!
  • Tell them to kick rocks & don't worry about whats growing in you. Sorry to sound so mean. LOL
  • Honestly, the only thing you can do is ignore them. You know you're pregnant and that's really all that matters. If you really want to prove it you could always let them feel the baby kick.
  • I have and they say that I faked them they haven't said it to my face but other coworkers have told me what others are saying
  • @lovingmybabyboy that's what my husband tells me it pisses him off severely to see me upset over it
  • They are more than likely jealous! Don't be upset about not showing yet. You won't have much of a belly to lose afterwards. I always say well thanks I'm glad I don't look like I'm preggo.
  • Plus I work with a girl who is only two weeks behind me in her pregnancy and is bigger than me so that really doesn't make it look any better
  • Thats absolutly ridiculous. Everyone shows at different times. im 20 weeks tomorrow and im just starting to notice a,lil belly but most people wouldnt notice. Why the heck would some one fake a pregnancy all the way to 25 weeks? People are crazy to think that! You know your,prego and your babys coming soon so they wil look like fools when your babys here! :)
  • @carrie u have good point but I was really looking forward to my pregnant belly i`ll probably swell up like a balloon in the next couple of months
  • I went through that before I quit working. I had to take off a lot & female co workers thought I was lying. So knowing my smart mouth & fly attitude I simply said you were not In my bed when I conceived my child, so shut it! if they arent feeding, financing, or f'king you than they have no say.
  • @laurenmarie7291 I'm guessing they are jealous but I thought some of them were my friends so it stings quite a bit to hear them say that plus some of them think I just want attention if that's all I wanted I could find better ways to get it
  • I didn't show til I was 7 months with my first and then it was like wake up one morning with a belly but I loved the fact that it was so easy to get my pre preggo body back. This time I'm almost 22 weeks and still barely showing. Everyone is different I say we are lucky!
  • @lovingmybabyboy they say the same about me i`ve had a rough pregnancy so far and they just don't understand what I'm going through we had a real big scare just at 2 months
  • @carrie I would say we are too my lil sis is so jealous cuz I'm still small she got big as a whale when she was prego
  • I say jealously is a big factor. You're a lucky one. I showed at 12 weeks & my belly is huge now. I'm 31 weeks ppl ask if I'm carrying twins.
  • Thanks all of u for advice
  • I would say your just lucky!! Just think how quick ur get back to pre pregnancy body but the other girl will prob have to work her butt off to get hers back! They will be eating their words when your showing off your gorgeous bubba! Say if they have any thing to say say it to your face an it just sound like petty jealousy if u ask me! Just enjoy your pregnancy lovely! An remember were always here when you need a vent! X
  • @pretty_princess_1 thanks I need it helps me from getting too emotional and crying to the hubby about it upsets him cuz he hates that they make me upset and cry
  • Ill be 26 weeks on Monday and still barely showing at first I was upset but seeing how big other people have gotten I decided I'm thrilled to still be small I jus try not to worry about people say about me cuz I have to be tough by myself for right now until my boyfriend gets back from jail :(
  • People have nothing better to do so they gossip. Just think after you have the baby how easy it will be to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight but after she has her baby people will prob ask her when shes due, lol. (I'm mean)
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  • I kind if have the opposite problem people are saying I'm fakeing my belly!! I'm 3.5 months and an already popping out and people either tell me I'm sticking it out to look prego or it's just cause I ate not the baby :(
    So I know how you feel it makes me mad!
  • Try and make some money off them.
    "You're not pregnant "
    "Wanna bet!?'

    Try not to get upset. This pregnancy has made me realize how little tact people have!!
  • Thanks everybody ur advice has been helpful
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