Phentermine diet pills?
Has anyone ever taken these? If so what were your results? I know they were approved by the FDA and my mom was prescribed them by her doctor, so I'm not worried about them being some kinda crazy diet pill. I wanna loose 10-15 pounds a month until December I want to decide if these will be right for me. ( and no I'm not bf )
@telly belly yeah 20 a week is a little much
@jwrnjjp I've had a hard time my whole life when trying to loose weight. Even with healthy eating and exercise. So I need something to give me a little umph. The only side effect I've had is dry mouth. Which doesn't bother me.
@nallibby2 @kimberly4411 yeah, I asked my regular doctor about them. And she prescribed them to me. My insurance doesn't cover them, but they were only $21 a month for me.