mask of

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
Melasma and chlosma. Darker pigmentation during pregnancy is supposed to b more comon in women with a darker skin tone and who more melanin in theory skin. They refer to it as the mask of pregnancy, and i definitely have it! My neck is so dark, under my eyes under my arms my areolas, my forehead and my skin tone is like two shades darker.. i just feel like a whole different person.. and some women never completely go bac to normal it sucks but if this is what i have to go through for my lil man I'd do it all over again.. anyone else experience this? Did it go away? How soon?


  • *And women who have more melanin in their skin*( sry for the typos)
  • I'm due in 4 days and hope mine goes neck is about 4 shades darker than my face...eeewww! :/
  • My sister in laws went away after both pregnancies, I had it around my nose & chin, that went away quickly but my stomach, I'm still waiting...15days pp!
  • I don't have nothing on my face I have in the underarms close to my vagina (in the middle of my legs ) and belly bottom this is my third but its the first time that happens to me
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  • Mine just got super oily like wtf? How many days has it been since u washed ur face? And I washed it four times a day man I'm glad that's gone......
  • I've got it, 2. Not w/ any of my 3 prev. Preg.s, just this one. I've got a 2x2 square right in the middle of my forehead, plus 1 in. Sq.s on the apples of each of my cheeks. I'm as pale as they come, so they really stand out. Looks like bad sun damage.

    My mom had it with me on her neck. No one would notice except for her. After 25 yrs. Of having it, she got skin lightener @ the derm's office. I can't see it at all on her now.
  • ive had a mild case of it .. since abot27wks.. looks like my face got burned and the brown skin stayed on my forehead.. lol.. but. makeup really helps..
  • Lol it makes me feel so insecure but i kno its only temporary
  • I have it around my mouth... looks like. Mustache sometimes :-( I think its weird that I have that but not the linea nigra, but inside of my belly button is dark.
  • I had it with my daughter. But it only showed up under my lip :/ It would always flake and it was so dark. But as far as my sister, she had the mark all over her body. She was slightly darker than me before. After she had my niece her complexion never returned to its normal self. Now she is pregnant again and Im wondering if shes going to get darker.
  • My neck is darker then the rest of my body...and my nose is super oily...I hope it goes away...and my cheeks r breakin out and I never break out!...they look like dark freckles =(....ahhhh the joys of being preggo
  • My neck is darker and I have a few spots on my belly where I've lost pigmints its just a white spot and its not a stretch mark
  • So this is why my armpits look bruised!
  • I have some in between my breasts only....I scrubbed and scrubbed and told doctor but said it was the pregnancy.
  • I have some in between my breasts only....I scrubbed and scrubbed and told doctor but said it was the pregnancy.
  • Lol this sucks but at least im not the only one ladies!
  • @imanewmommy06 my nose is super oily too! Its always shiny and i wash my face like 4 times a day!
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