breastfeeding while I'm sick??

edited October 2011 in Breastfeeding
Ugh I feel it coming I know I am about to get sick. My head is fuzzy and my throat is starting to hurt. It will probably end up being a sinus infection, that's what I always get. I know I can't take anything for congestion while bfing, but is it ok to take Tylenol for the headaches I'm bound to get?? And is she gonna get sick too?? Idk what to do :(


  • Bump. Idk hun but im curious about this also
  • ur baby should be fine your body produces what it needs to help fight it off for the baby bf just call doc and get an antibiotic and continue bf most antibiotics you can still take and bf
  • My ped said it was ok to take Tylenol. And I had a realy bad cold while breastfeeding. The Dr said to continue to breastfeed becouse it gives him all the antibodies he needs to fight illnesses... I'd call your Dr just in case.
  • Oh and my dr said that your baby probly has already gotten what ever you have way before you knew you were sick.
  • Tylenol is fine (Hubby is a pharmacist.) Newflomom2b is right. The baby has already been exposed to your germs. By Bfing, your baby will get antibodies to fight the cold.
  • You can bf while sick, it is actually best that you do so baby can get some of your antibodies. I was allowed to take tylenol decongestant (the daytime one) while bf. You should be able to take pennicillan for the infection but I'm not 100% sure on that. (I'm allergic to it - sucks :( )

    Feel better.
  • its actually better you bf while sick because by the time you feel symptoms your body has been making the antibodies to fight it off.. so your baby is probably already recieving them and wont get sick.. thats one of the awsome things about bf.. i got sick a few time while nursing and i took tylenol.. but i also took theraflu.. before bed.. but that was when my baby was older and didnt nurse every two hrs at night.. so yeah.. tylenol is fine.. sorry girl.. but keep bf.. its going to prevent lil one from sickness
  • Thanks everyone!!! :)
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