Help baby wont take a paci!

edited October 2011 in Babies
She wont take it she gags no matter which one. I have the tommie tippie and the kind from hospital she just wont take it.... She wants to nurse all night just for soothing.

What can I do?


  • How old is she? I was told by Dr that if that is just a limited time thing, she is just stimulating milk supply. Is this ongoing?
  • My daughter did that I had to buy the newborn mams cuz the nipples r so little but she gagged on any other kind
  • @jellybelly1050 she is five weeks. And every night I have to nurse her to sleep unless hubby takes her and walks arouun with her. She just don't stay sleep long unless she nurses to sleep. I am at the point I don't even put her in bassinet or burp her.
  • My son is the same way, very rarely will he take a paci. I think its just a breastfed baby thing..they just get picky.
  • @Mszcastillo ugh its fraustrating at night!
  • My son never had one, he used to gag to and then started wanting fed to sleep but I put my foot down! I'm mummy so what I say goes lol and once he realised I wouldn't give in to him he has slept great. He's slept right through since he was just under 2 month old
  • I know how you feel! My first never took a paci and I've been trying with this one and so far no luck with him either! He gags and when he doesn't gag he just gets so angry!! Spits it out and then yells at me like 'how dare you try to trick me!!'
  • My daughter is 10 days old and she has only used a paci maybe 3 times. We just don't give it to her (she rarely cries though) and the few times we did try she sucked for about 30 seconds then spit it out. We are fine with her not wanting to use it. Thats one less habit we will have to break when she grows up.
  • I have alomost every type of paci for my son. I have the tommy tippee type and he gags on them now at 3 months old. Im having the best luck with mam or avent freeflow. Make sure you get the 0-6mos paci so it has the smallest nipple.
  • My lilly wont take it either. She won't even let me put it in her mouth no more. But my mom said I did the same thing when I was a baby (and once I started formula feeding I was addicted to pacifiers up till I was 5 or so!) and to just let her because there is no way to make it better while exclusively breastfeeding lol it gets tiring but it comforts my baby!
  • my daughter never took one either...and boy did I try! lol she had a hard time latching so I didn't bf long, maybe a week before I got so upset I had to quit trying. but yeah- she just didn't want the pacifier! I say put your foot down, it wont be long until she realizes she ain't gettin the boobies just for fun! lol
  • Mam pacis are the only ones my daughter will take. Even while she was breast fed
  • My daughter is 3 months now and has just started taking it. I was told the way to do it was ...

    When they're happy and full... Tease them with it. Put it in their mouth and pull it out and make faces to get them to laugh. Keep doing it. Eventually they'll suck a little to play back... Buy keep pulling it out. Don't force them to suck long periods yet.

    Play this a few times a day for a week. At the end of the week they take it.
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  • thats normal. mine is 4 months and just now satrted taking a bottle. and as for the paci she just want to chew on it
  • Thanks ladies I don't know why I am acting brandnew with my lil princess because my prince was the same way. He wasn't going for the paci at all. And she has taken it before but decided she doesn't want it. I don't mind nursing her to sleep but once I pill her off she wakes up. But around 2am she is down until like 5am. Then another session the she sleeps until like 10am. my boobs are like H cup size so I can't lay with her I hold my boob while feeding so I won't smother her lol. So I haven't found a super comfy position yet.
  • Just keep trying different ones me neice was the same way then I went to the dollar store and found some small nippled ones and now she loves them
  • Okay. My baby girl is the same way. Wouldn't take a binky. She just wanted to nurse non stop. Well yesterday i went to walmart and bought playtex binkys. She takes them.

    Here's a link to a picture of them.

    <a href=

    They cost me $3.88 for a 2pk. Its not too expensive and its worth a shot if you haven't tried them.
  • @steph_due_101611 thamks I will try them!
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