Last baby, they felt around my belly of the outside to make sure everything was shrinking right. They do an internal as well. No pap though. They ask you a bunch of questions to see if you are depressed. You can get BC then, but last time I got the Mirena IUD and they made me wait until I was 10 weeks PP to insert it. (I don't don't know if it was a health issue, office policy, or just double checking to see if my ins. would cover it and order one.)
Awe, im glad u guys r great. Hes so handsome, ur profile pic is cute. how much did he weigh at birth?? Nyla is 9lbs & 6 oz at her 2 week check up. Today she is one month lol look at the times were up posting. Im up bc im feeding n changing nyla u were probably doing the same. Ttyl
Yes girl, I was up doing the same aww its her happy monthday:) so her and Julian are just a week apart. He was 8 lbs 2 oz when he was born.
@blessedness_x3 & @samiuk but even before I got the depo I was craving honey mustard but only from Farmer boys. So do you think it was just too early to test?
Depo was my first form of bc and out didn't do anything bad to me like weight gain or anything but that was when I was younger... The only bad thing is that your body has to get use to it so I was always bleeding