Some questions about self induction. It has begun!
I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow and I'm ready to get this lil guy out! what worked for you? I'm thinking about going and buying a pineapple haha.. what kind of cinnamon tea and raspberry tea do you need to get? Is there a technique to bouncing on the ball? Does walking at an incline make a difference? Does sex only work if you orgasm? Is there anything I'm missing?
@kelseyjo I'll try walking more, I have a nordic treadmill and ball I never use haha
@mrs4c haha oh well next baby! I don't even like tea so it's hard for me to drink it at all
@imanewmommy06 my fiance works all day he never wants to have sex we do a few times a week but he usually gets off too fast for me to get really into it