woohoo!! cloth diapers!!
im so freaking excited!! i get to order my diapers this weekend!!! ive been waiting to order since august and just got the funds for it!!! im going nuts over here!!! no more disposables for elizabeth pretty soon and im going to get this shirt for her that says "If your diaper isn't cloth, its garbage"!!!! im so excited!! when i saw the check that ive been waiting for i started jumping like a crazy lady outside!!!
im getting in the buff for the diapers and lavender for our clothes. i read that you should switch your regular detergent to a eco friendly one cause the oils from the regualr detergent stays in the washer after the wash causing diapers to clog also
i think im going with alva opposed to sunbaby
@jamieex a lady i know sells them for 5.50 each on fb
comes 20 and 20 inserts for 83$
thought id show you. though the shipping is 4 weeks.
@kristaf22 rocking green? the store near me sell eco sprout now so im happy for that
@kristaf22 hey hun hows amber?