umbilical cord cleaning

edited October 2011 in Babies Health
My son is 6 days old today I noticed a slight odor coming from his umbilical cord. When I left the hospital they didn't say to clean it but if it gets infected to use rubbing alcohol. Idk if its infected but I used some alcohol on it. Is it supposed to smell? He has been peeing through his diapers and onto his clothes maybe he just got it wet? Is this normal or should I call Dr? Also when should it fall off by? Should I start cleaning it with alcohol daily?


  • I would call the Dr just to make sure if its supposed to smell.
  • well it does kinda stink....but nothing really noticeable is normal...u shud call tu play it safe....but i didnt do anything but wipe around witg water but my mom used the alcohol swab...on me and my baby.. it fell off the 2nd week
  • My pediatrician told us to clean it with alcohol everytime I change her diaper to help dry it out so it'd fall off sooner. I posted a thread about her stump smelling terrible a few days ago. The smlled started and then it fell off the next day. Everyone commented saying it was normal and their baby's stump fell off within 1-2 days of it starting to stink.
  • Ok thank you ladies for all your advice. Ill talk to Dr just in case and I'm going to start cleaning it after every change
  • I was told to clean it with just a q tip nothing else no alcohol. it fell off in 7 days
  • Hospital told us not to touch it. It started to smell so bad I thought he had a dirty diaper. I called his pediatrician and she said to use alcohol on it..we did and it fell off later that night! If u have a lil boy who was circumcised keep their diaper on when u do alcohol....that would be so painful!!
  • yikes dont touch it or use alcohol, it could delay the healing..its pretty much rotting flesh so it will have a slight daughters fell out after 4 days with nothing done :)
  • Might be infected call your doctor dont put anything on it
  • Its starting to fall off but the inside looks wet. Under the cord where its falling off.
  • My babies looked wet to, I thought something was wrong but it fell off and I cleaned it with a q-tip&alcohol now its healed.
  • edited October 2011
    Cleaning it with alcohol will help. If his navel is red or looks inflamed call the doctor. My baby girl got an umbilical infection called omphalitis. So she needed alcohol and a round of antibiotics.

    Good luck!
  • My daughter had a midwife check up yesterday and she noticed it was smelly and said just to keep it clean and dry but not to use anything on it just keep the top of the nappy off it so it stays dry. It fell off today and bubs is only 6 days old. My son was the same fell off at 8 days
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