i have no where else to turn to.. pregly plz help.. *update*



  • This is what family is for. Lean on them. Hugs to you!
  • He sounds like a dirt bag :( he should man up to what he did especially after you've caught and confronted him. There's no shame in asking your family for help, they'll understand. I hope things start to get better for you!
  • I was going through your same exact problem before I got pregnant ! I I was going through my bfs emails and he sent this slut from Craigslist something saying that she should come over and he'll cook her dinner...then when I confronted him about it he denied it and I blew up a storm.. he won't admit it to this day. He hasn't cheated on me ever he's just a computer whore... so I banned his internet privileges lmao. But nothing happened since.. Men are dogs!
  • Don't feel stuck b/c u are not u deserve better sweetheart if a person can't admit their wrong how can they fix it? I know it's hard to leave but eventually u will get stronger after awhile a person gets tired of trying and not getting results. I say set up your financial aid go to school or whatever u want to do independence will give u a sense of power it will be good for you plus when u are an dependent a person feel like u need them n they can just run over you when you can do things for yourself maybe he will see that he is there strictly b/c u want him there n not b/c u need him there n maybe he will learn to appreciate his beautiful family n not take his wife for granted. MAYBE some ppl never change so just be prepared. I hope the best for u in whatever u choose no one deserves to have their heartbroke again and again!
  • @momof5
    Ok girls well he finally admit to it this morning.. ugh it hurts but I needed him to be honest! Now here's what's gonna happen.. I'm gonna stay..till all my stuff is fixed.. I already got approved for citizenship so all I have left is 2-3 months till its official so i'd be really dumb to walkk away from that.. he fkd up & he's gonna pay for that.. I'm not the person to seek revenge but life will take care of him & make him regret every single time he made me cry.. I'm the one that's gonna have my son..watch him wake up everyday & not miss one thing of his life..he's gonna miss out! I once told him what would happen if he did it again so he knew what was at stake & he still did it.. he's not worth my tears.. I have no consideration for him cuz he didn't have it for us..
  • @nova well this morning I felt super horrible so I rushed over to my moms house & I'm ok now :) I just can't be home alone..
  • Go u momma and ur right karma comes around and bites in the ass lol I'm buddist so I firmly beleive in it and ur right he's not worth any of ur tears :)
  • I'm glad you're feeling a little better! I know it's hard, I stayed after my bd cheated on me, I wouldn't leave even the day I found out because I wanted him to see how much he hurt me, I made him answer all of my questions and talk to me every time it was bothering me. He hurt me so he had to make it better and it tore him apart to see me like that for so long, but I know he won't do it again. Stay strong hun :)
  • You poor thing..You are not fat or ugly! You are an amazing powerful woman capable of carrying human life!! And that makes you beautiful no matter what! Just remember that your baby will love you unconditionally, and no one can break your bond. Keep your head up :)
  • Good girl. Keep your head up and never look down. You are strong amazing beautiful and an inspiration to other women that need to take a stand for themselves.
  • I'm glad you're strong enough to walk away from him and didn't let him sweet talk you as many girls nowadays do... He knew what he was risking and didn't care now he'll know how serious you really were. Good for for you mama stay strong! (Sorry I didn't respond earlier my phone and home internet have both been down)
  • @darknesofnight4u
    Well ladies he's super regreting it now! pffff... he knew the consequences so tough shit lol he really wants to make it work & at this point its gonna be super hard to go back to the way things were.. he's gonna have to work his ass off to get me to accept his apology...this should be fun..lol
  • Good job mamma :) keep your chin up and and make him work!
  • Awesome momma I'm happy for u make him work for it cause u deserve better :)
  • Yay I'm happy for you stay strong and make him work for your trust and respect! :) good luck mama!
  • Good job mama. Make him beg for you and baby. And make him start showing you love and respect.
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