my son sleeps on his blankets on the couch in the day, and in his cot, in my room, at night. he has slept in my bed twice ever and he woke up more easily cos he smelt my milk, plus i woke up to every little sound he made even when he wasnt waking up which was annoying haha
So glad to see there are other mommies that are experiencing the same problem I am. My daughter is 2 1/2 weeks and sleeps on me at night. I swore I would not co-sleep because it scares me but its the only way she will sleep at night. I've tried the pack-n-play and her bassinet. She will sleep and even lay awake in herr bassinet during the day, but at night she wants to be held. I'm not afriad of the habit - I'm terrified of something happening to her. I sleep in the middle of our queen size bed with her on my chest. She just wants NOTHING to do with sleeping by herself at night. I heard the Fisher Price Rock n Play works. I think I'm going to have to order it.
My daughter would sleep in her bassinet up until 1 week ago she started sleeping in her swing at night. My son slept in his bassinet then with me til he was 4 yrs old and only BC I got married lol
mine sleeps with me also, i dont have her own bed until she sleeps more through the night. my son slept with me until he was closer to 1, he still sometimes wakes up at night but his bed is in my room. its just easier to nurse at night for me
My son sleeps in his cradle. He may fall asleep while we're holding him or in the swing but I always move him to his cradle so he knows that's where he needs to be sleeping. The first three weeks it was by our bed but we've now moved it to his own room. We've slept with him in between us twice but it's always been after he's slept a good while in his own bed, woke up to eat ans then wouldn't go back to sleep in his bed. So it was more for us so we could get an extra hour or two of sleep.