You really shouldn't let him cry it out. Crying it out makes the baby feel as if his needs won't be met anytime he cries, whether it's for food, a clean diaper, or just needing a cuddle. Your baby is putting his trust in you that you will meet his needs when he cries. He may develop attachment issues if you let him cry it out.
I'm not a fan of the whole let them cry it out theory myself. A baby cries for a reason. I hold my son and when he gets the comfort hes looking for he's fine afterwards and I can put him down no problem.
Must say I agree I hate letting them cry but if iv done everything like clean nappy, fed, winded etc then ill let hun have a little cry because it tires him out
I started at around 6 months. But I went in his room at first made sure he was dry never picking him up gave him a kiss n left. Then I just stayed outside his door n talked to him. 7 wks is just to early in my opinion
7wks is a little early, babies at that age cry because they need things. I agree with @blessedbe_x3 , 6 months is good but still make sure you have made sure he is dry, not hungry ect.
Ur welcome.. Just make sure ur comfortable some ppl feel comfortable doing it sooner than others. U move at ur own pace sweety ur momma instincts won't steer u wrong
I work in a day care center with infants. Speaking from experience with babies for the last 3 years.... The longer you wait to let then cry it out the more accustom he will become of always being picked up when he cries. Babies will not remember being let there to cry themselves to sleep. My coworker here has a3 month old who she or gma & sisters pick up EVERYTIME he cries. at 3 months he already knows and understand when he cries he well be picked up right away. My advice is try it for a week & if you cant handle letting him cry then stop. But I see first hand how spoiling a baby like that will make them much more needy then the others! If anything i'd wait only 2 months and then ween him off of the need to constantly be held.
I don't think crying it out is a good thing, bc a baby won't cry if nothing is wrong you know? I do understand putting a child down for 10 min if you start to get frustrated that way you can calm down. But besides that I wouldn't leave your baby in their time of need. They trust us moms to always be there.
I do understand when they are older and you are trying to get them used to the crib and they are fussy about that or taking away their binkie or whatever but 7 weeks is too early. I say 6mo if you absolutely need to for that reason. And even then only let them cry it out for 10-15 min. Then check on them.
I never let my older daughter cry it out, she stopped crying to be held around 8 months, when she was ready to explore things on her own. There is nothing wrong with holding your baby when it cries, you are teaching them that you will always be there for them, so they will not be afraid to do things on their own later. She's 5 now and super independent!