anyone exclusively pumping??

edited October 2011 in Breastfeeding
is anyone exclusively pumping? my lo was born at 35+6. she had temp instability and tachypnea(heavy fast breathing) when she was born. she was also growth restricted due to placenta aging too early, which made her even smaller. so she spent 2 weeks n the NICU. she only nurses for 10 minutes then unlatches and wont latch back on. she still is hungry after nursing so i give her a bottle after. she is 10 weeks old now. i always pump after she nurses at least 7-8 times a day. i pump 7-10oz each time. so the issue isnt low supply. im thinking i might stop nursing and go to exclusively pumping. any tips or advice?


  • edited October 2011
    My daughter doesnt latch on at all but I wish she did. But I pump for her. But each time I pump I only get 2.5oz in ten min which thas all she needs for each feeding. shes only 3 weeks +3. I think u should still do both. Sometimes I hate having to get up in the middle of the night to pump. If she would just latch on I wouldnt b leakin wen im too tired to get up
  • Keep doing both when she gets older shewill get a better latch
  • I just made the decision to exclusively pump. I may nurse once a day but I've decided to pump every two hours to build up a supply as well as his daily feedings. I may turn that into every hour and a half cause I don't produce that much. Maybe 2.5 oz total. So I want my body to realize it needs to be produce more.
    Now I'm a first time mom so by no means follow my example. Just know you're not alone. I made the decision to exclusively pump for my own mental health and for the health of my son. I was using the shield cause my boobs are too big for his mouth but it was ripping my nipples to shreds and I was afraid I would contract an infection and pass it on to him. I may go back to nursing him some when his mouth is bigger, but for now it's all the pump.
    I hope this encourages you! Just finding out I wasn't the only one has given me encouragement. :)
  • I decided to just pump but now my life is consumed with it so I'm switching to formula.
  • I have been pumping cuz my nipples are blistered and hurting really bad even after the lanolin cream and soothies I try at least a few times a day to latch him on with a nipple shield but he sucks so damn hard. When I pump I get about 3 oz which is 2 feeding for him since he will be a week old tomorrow. I see it as, as long as he gets my milk I'm doing great doesn't matter if it comes from boob or bottle its good for him no matter what.
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