If my lo wakes up while burping I know she's either still hungry or wasnt as tired as she thought, usually she'll drink a little more and be out for good
I was having a hard time so my mom showed me a different way. I sit her on my leg and use my thumb and finger to cup her (and hold her up) by her chin. Then I pat & rub her back - low around her belly. It works 90% of the time. The lactation consultant told me to always try to burp but not to lose sleep if she doesn't.
@sunshinelove your baby could be a guzzler lol alot of breastfed babies dont need burping but yours sounds like mine, too much air from guzzling too fast lol or popping off the nipple too much..mine spits up no matter what too
My son was formula fed and needed lots of burping time and spit up alot. My daughter is now breastfed, hardly burps and almost never spits up... I always give her a few mins of patting after feeding though even if she is sleeping
I tried it again last night instead of over my should I tried sitting him on my lap and my hand on his chest.. it still didn't work.. i just hate lay n him down and not getting that darn burp out....
My son does the same a lot and then spits up sometimes in his sleep but wakes up after so I can clean him. I would like to know also