
  • *shush* don't tell everyone, let us keep thinking sex works! LOL
  • @KylieMommie oh no! Misery loves company so I had to share! I cant be the only one to know! Lol
  • Dammit lmao! Ughh I swear NOTHING works
  • @lovinmyunborn I know right! I thought I was doing something! Lol
  • Seriously I cannot go over due I have plans to go HAM,TURKEY & CHICKEN on some Thanksgiving food! I was a PIG when it came to food before I was pregnant now I gotta eat like a baby :-( I was looking foward to not being pregnant just so I could finally eat lol! If I'm one week over due that's Thanksgiving day! Ughh
  • Whaaat lol I really thought this was true :/
  • Omg! Your reason for not wanting to be overdue is the same as mine! Lol. I cant miss Thanksgiving! & if I go overdue then I will because we do Thanksgiving with family out of town! I cant go out of town knowing I could go in labor at anytime! So I will have to miss Thanksgiving all together! Thats NOT going to wrk! Lol
  • @myHEARTZx3 I know! :( I thought it was tio BUT its just another myth!
  • Exactly! I swear at my appr. Friday I'm putting my foot down! Lol it seems lke EVERYONE on pregly gets induced just because lol & I don't even think my doc knows what that is lmao.She's so stupid lol
  • @lovinmyunborn I don't want to make you sad just want to warn you because no one warned me. You'll never be able to eat the same.amount as you did before. I could put the food away before I got.pregnant (I only weighed 124 but I could eat) and now at 4 weeks pp I can still barely eat anything. I have a good appetite, it just seems I can't hold as much as before. Just thought id warn you.
  • edited November 2011
    @lovinmyunborn sounds like we have the same doc! Lol. I dnt think mine know what induce means either! Next time ill choose my doc more wisely!
  • Maybe its coincidence but I went in to labor tge morning after I had sex lol I truly believe that triggeredit
  • @MyBamBina28 im thinking coincidence because sex isnt helping me at all! Didnt even help me dilate!
  • I was already 4cm when we did it
  • @MyBambina28 oh yea that seems like its just a coincidence then. You were already close to labor. Im not dilated any! Wwll I wasnt at my last appt.
  • How far along are you
  • edited November 2011
    Yeah I thought it was true because with my daughter I never had sex for a while before I gave birth and I went one week over due...and with my son I was 3cm...had sex that night and gave birth the next day 3 days before my due datelol...could just be coincidence tho.

    If sex doesn't work...i wonder if walking even does anything?
  • Of course walking does something, it puts us in a lot of pain. haha
    went to the mall with my hubby today. ouch
  • I don't. Believe that. I went to L&d sunday morning dilated to a 2. Got sent home told it could be anytime this week. I asked what I could do to speed things up. The nurse said sex sperm helps thins your cervix. So I go home and rest and have sex. my contraction never did get to be 3 mins apart but they did get stronger and longer. I go back to the hospital and I'm at 6. The only thing I got was some pain med for his delievery which really just kept my mind off things. Within in a hour and half of arriving at the hospital I had him. Pushed him out in 30mins:) omgah I wouldn't have changed a thing I did except for going to the hospital sooner lol
  • I was told sperm softens ur cervix and orgasms make ur uterus contract. My husband told me We had sex the night before we had my last son but I don't remember LOL. I think it works but only if your body is ready.
  • I have tried everything that might help and nothing is helping.. Im going to see if my doctor and enduce me be for thanksgiving week even im due on thanksgiving.
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