2 weeks old & im babying her??!! UPDATE AT BOTTOM OF COMMENTS PLEASE READ!

edited November 2011 in Babies Health
And Michael thinks I'm babying our daughter bc everytime she cries I jump to her. She is one of those newborns that hates to sleep alone. We have swaddled everything but she hates her basinet. And her swing she won't sleep in for more than an hour. She constantly has to be skin to skin with me. Idk what to do. Michael is yelling at me about it, but jeez she's a newborn, if she cries something is wrong. Am I wrong? Should I just leave her to cry if "nothing appears wrong" & even then we don't have a nursery so do I just go without sleep bc she is screaming? Or do I take her with me so we both can get a couple hours of sleep? Mike thinks I hold her too much.. :( idk what to do, the mother in me just says to comfort her but I don't wanna ruin my relationship bc of it.... idk I feel alone and like I have no help bc I breastfeed.. she's also one of those babys who just likes to be on the boob just to suck and stimulate but not eat if she's full.


  • When she cries there is something wrong a newborn only knows one thing n that his when their with momma their safe so she cries because she needs you she needs to kno she safe and as far as the breast feeding count her wet n dirty diapers n if she's peeing and pooping then she us getting enough n you need to tell him how you feel and let hum kno that the baby needs her momma n that your not babying her your just comforting her :*
  • edited November 2011
    She lived inside you for 9 months! Of course she wants to be near you all the time! You are doing.everything right! She's building her trust in you right now, so leaving her to cry is the worst thing you could do. Ugh no offense but men piss me off they don't have a clue lol you keep that baby close!
  • Hmmm tough one. Im lucky my lo is happy ti sleep in her bed at night, but through the day she loves lots of snuggles and would spend the day on my lap if I let her. Even though its frustrating try putting her down a little more through the day to get her to be a little more independent. I dont really think its possible to spoil them at this age, they cry because they cant talk to tell us what they need, but I try to leave my bubs to cry for about a minute to see if she is just being fussy and will settle on her own or if she needs me. Goodluck xox
  • Sorry about the face stupid fone
  • I say listen to the mother in u. Everytime Ronnie told me i was spoiling her i would shrug it off. Ull kno wen spoilin becomes a problem but not til theyre at least 6 months. Do wat u feel is right mama!
  • Ur baby is so young and needs u to 'run' to her when she cries. She is also most likely going thru a growth spurt which is why she wants to nurse a lot-she is also building ur supply. Continue to comfort her- thats what mommys are for!
  • everyone is right. also what helps me is my moby wrap, keeps baby happy and she sleeps so much better in it
  • You can't spoil a newborn. With both my girls I would tend to every sound
  • @caroline8_p thanks! That helped a lot! I knew my mother instinct was correct, I'm gonna have my hubby read that in the morning!
  • http://www.babycenter.com/404_are-we-damaging-our-baby-by-letting-him-cry-himself-to-sleep_2644.bc
    I jump too, and I've noticed now that she us six weeks, she doesn't cry when she wants something as fast, she makes her "I'm awake" sounds and I think she knows I will get her, and I do!
  • UPDATE: so I wake up at 3am and the baby and her dad were upstairs bc I have a fever & couldn't even get outta bed bc I had the chills so bad, so he gave me some meds and anyways I woke up at 3 and heard her screaming, I heard foot steps and no crying so assumed he had it handled. A few moments later I heard no foot steps and her crying. I texted him & told him that if he needed help to bring her down. No answer & more screams. So I dragged my butt upstairs to find her in her swing "crying it out" & him moved on the floor from the couch with a pillow over his head! Fucking passed out! I kicked him twice (he didn't move) & rushed to my daughters side. as soon as I picked her up she calmed down, all she wanted was love! Then I brought her downstairs with me & she was hungry & ate so fast she practically choked! Then she pooped, now she is calmed in her moms arms. What should I say to him when he wakes up?
  • Kick is fing ass... sorry, but I would kill my husband if he did that,:(
  • WOW SMH! Your poor little one! Your babys dad needs to realize that infants cry because they need something and have no other way of telling us what they need! They dont just cry for no reason! As this expierence shows, because as you said she was super hungry, and even calmed the moment you picked her up! You need to tell him that if he cant get that thru his head then he cant be trusted to take care of her on his own! Plain and Simple! Stay strong Lady, your doing the right thing! Stick with your motherly instinct!
  • edited November 2011
    Guys suck with these things, but he needs to understand at such a young age she is crying because something is wrong. If something were wrong with him and he couldn't communicate he'd be crying... not to mention he wouldn't want to sit in his own poop or be ignored. Tell him these things, maybe it will help...
  • Omg I'd strangle him!!!!!
  • My hubby did that yesterday i was making the older kids lunch. Baby started crying. Baby knows momma will come running but i was busy and hubby was right there. He just was staring at him cry. So then the baby got so frantic that it made me cry. So i ran to him to comfort him. I asked my husband if thats how its gonna be when i go back to work and he said yes! Now im scared to leave my baby alone with him cuz i dont want my child to be neglected just cuz hubby is tired and lazy thinking i can do everything got all 4 of my kids at once.
  • My hubby was the same way! Luckily he's a little understanding and what I did was when she would cry of course id jump up and instead of me holding her I would giver to my hubby and she would instantly stop crying and id say "see! She just wants he daddy to hold her and love on her" :) it worked and after a few times of that he'd beat me to the crying baby lol.. she's almost 3 months now so I don't run to her as quick, I let her cry a littke to see if she learns to self soothe but I'm talking like a minute of crying lol. He still runs to her :).and he used to do the whole letting her cry and putting a pillowe over his head too!! I wanted to beat him.lol
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  • I 'babied' our daughter til she was about 3 months. no one ever told me different and since we basically had no help from either family we did what we thought was best. a baby really needs u those first few months. We must have done a good job because she started sleeping through the night since she was 2 months old
  • My bf pulled that crap too... Ridiculous if ya ask me! Men can really suck with the whole nurturing thing. Oh... And having common sense!!!
  • Newborns need comfort! They can't be spoiled...there is so much stimulus that they aren't used to! Crying means something is wrong or they need comfort.....keep cuddling
  • men don't understand. We have hormones that help us understand what baby needs. They don't. Read happyest baby on the block. You are doing what needs to be done.
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