I'm going to pump I think. I want to bf for a year (my goal) but I think when he starts getting teeth I'm gonna strictly pump. I don't wanna be used as a teething toy lol.
I bfed my first til about 1 year (he weaned himself), and am currently bfing my second (7 months). I never found it awkward. However, many babies loose interest in nursing when they start crawling/walking. It makes me sad because I love bfing! I've had to return to the early days of nursing (dark, quiet room and side-lying position) because my daughter gets too distracted by her brother.
I bf my daughter til she was 15 months, I didn't find it awkward whatsoever, I guess I still saw her as my little baby lol I was pregnant so she just Lost interest.
I was just asking my husband about this very same thing last night. I think the bigger she gets the more awkward it would be. But like you, I'm a FTM so I have no idea. What I think would be weird (and I don't even know if this would ever happen.. just my imagination/thinking) is when they are big enough to crawl/walk around and they walk/crawl over to you and try to get on the boob.
I breastfed till 5 months, its started to get awkward for me cuz thats when they start checking things out.. but thats just me everyone is different.. i wish i couldve breastfed longer but i guess its personal preference.
My first one was 13 months, second 8 or 9, third 15 months. I'm hoping to nurse for at least a year with this one then pump and give in a sippy cup. I stopped 1&3 because they started to pull up my shirt or stick their hand down my shirt to nurse in public which was awkward and #2 I stopped so soon because he started to play with my nipples. That was really awkward.
I stopped 1&3 because they started to pull up my shirt or stick their hand down my shirt to nurse in public which was awkward and #2 I stopped so soon because he started to play with my nipples. That was really awkward.