Did I wait too long to start nursing again?

edited November 2011 in Breastfeeding
Raistlin will be 2 weeks old tomorrow and I only nursed him at the hospital, I was getting way too frustrated with him falling asleep on my boob at 4 am when I just wanted to go back to sleep and I was worried he wasn't really drinking anything because he was sleeping, so I started pumping exclusively. I had an awesome supply at first getting almost 10oz every time I pumped, now I'm lucky if I get 6oz, still not bad at all, but I think Raistlin is going through a growth spurt or something because he's been eating almost 4oz every other feeding. So I decided to try nursing him again today hoping to get my supply back up and eliminate some pumping out of my day, but every time I put my nipple in his mouth he would suck for a second, spit it out, and start crying again :( I tried for about 10 minutes on both breasts, but it just seemed like he was getting more and more upset, so I just gave him some pumped milk from the fridge. Did I wait too long? I feel like he's stuck on the bottle now :(


  • @ashleyfew is usually good with bf questions.
  • Keep trying! When he gets fussy, calm him, and try again. He may be used to the bottle, but he will take the breast as long as you work with him. I know its frustrating, but dont let him sense that.

    Also, babies DO NOT have to be awake to breast feed them. When Malia got her shots, she was out for like 6 hours, I had to put her on the boob to avoid her skipping a feeding. She didnt wake up, just sleptfed.

    Good luck, dont give up or lose hope!
  • @caroline8_p thank you I'll keep trying, I think part of it might be because I have flat nipples, but he still seems to have trouble even when I suck them out with the pump first
  • Try a nipple shield. I also have flat nipples works miracles for me. It's kinda more like a bottle nipple. My baby takes both really well.
  • @nicoleok87 I have some somewhere.. lol I completely forget about them
  • you can definitely keep trying! :) try the shield like suggested. also, use your pump to draw out your nipples and get your flow going and put baby on when he isnt frustrated from being hungry
  • @bahamamama4828 thank you :) I'll try that
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