what is the normal weight loss after having a baby

I've loss 22lbs. I weighed 203 when I went in to the hospital. At my wic appt I weighed 181. I was pretty excited my pre pregnancy weight was 184. At 8weeks pregnant I weighed 168. So if I could get back to around that weight I would be so happy:)


  • So far 6 weeks pp i only lost 10 of the 30 i gained :(
    so sad.
  • I weighed 147 the the day I went in to have her she's 2wks 5 days now an I'm 125 but I'm only 4'11 so my goal is 110 but I don't think its happenin
  • I have lost 30 of the 40 I gained and I'm only 12 days pp. I'm not sure how that's possible considering I had a c section and have done almost nothing. Gotta love breastfeeding I guess :)
  • I think its different for everyone. 3 weeks pp and I still have 20 till Pre preg weight but I want to lose more.
  • I'm 5 weeks pp and have about 10 pounds of the 45 I gained to lose. Started at 124 so hoping ill make it back. I'm BF so it fell off quickly but its stopped coming off so its time I hit the gym.
  • I was 110 prepregnancy...i weighed 145 during pregnancy.
    Im 8 days pp & I weigh 124! Ive lost 21lbs!!
  • I have lost 35 pounds so far. it has been almost 3 months.
  • At my 6 wk check up I had lost 17 lbs. I gained 22. I'm now almost 15 wks pp and I've only lost a few more lbs. I think I've hit a plateau. I'm not exercising though, no time :(
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