ugh! so over this waiting! (being whiny)

edited November 2011 in November 2011
Whiny vent starting now.....

I know I'm 5 days from my due date (the 18th) but I doubt my daughter is going to show up on time I'm not dialated and she hasn't even dropped yet. I don't want to give birth during Thanksgiving (its my bf's 1st thanksgiving in 5 years with family and I want to be at home). Is it totally unreasonable for me to tell my doctor I want be to induce on my due date? Plus my Short term disability insurance won't cover me untl she's born, I'm using my LAST week of sick leave on this week, expecting her to be born near her due date. Sigh. Also, I have a legion on my finger that they won't remove until AFTER she's born and it really hurts too.

End whiny rant.


  • my due date was yesterday and still no sign! Evrn though docs etc said he would be early!! I feel your fustration. Labour dust and luck to us both!
  • I've been having my bloody show for 5 days now. Ended up paging my doc last night had some little blood clots. All is OK I guess. Still have a week and 2 days till I'm due. Hope labor finds all of us sooner than later.
  • Today's my due date & nothing lol
  • It makes it really hard to take off from work when your baby and dr don't cooperate. I may have to go a week without getting to spend time off with my sweet pea as well as a week without pay. Not cool since BD doesn't make squat and its not like he's paid for anything anyway. Is this the baby blues everyone was talking about?
  • Yes. LOL I feel u. Working isn't fun right now. Every night I go to bed hoping that Ill be in labor so I don't have to go. And people will stop saying "your still pregnant " I get it. LOL I'd be the first to know if I wasn't.
  • I didnt dilate til I went in labor. Theres still hope!
  • @rhiriot it wouldnt hurt to ask your doctor .im being induced tommorrow but my due date is Nov.17th..theres no medical reason i just dont want to go never know
  • My doc said she'd "try" to get me induced on the 21st. Her only hold back is bc she's not going to be at my hospital that weekend and will ask her colleage (sp?) If she will do it. Like I care who does it. I just want my daughter, my epidural and they better be covered by my insurance which its pretty hard not to be. Argh.
  • I understand where you are coming from. Im due on Thanksgiving day and Im going to see my doctor on monday and im going to ask her if she can induce me on Tues or Wen..
  • I am now 6 days over... I am so ready to have this lill guy! I am trying to avoid being induced, but at this point it just might have to happen. I go back to the dr tomorrow to have a NST and we are supposed to talk about induction.
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