40+5 thinking about caster oil... Help!
Ok so I was induced with my first trip days before my due date, I had a rough time with it, so for this one I was tring to avoid it if possible... Well it's getting a little out of hand lol. I am so ready to have this baby! I tried pumping last night to help induce, did nothing but make my nipples sore. I don't want to do the caster oil, fear of going so much lol. My last apt was last thursday and I was only dialated between one and two. But dr told me he didn't expect me to make it to my next apt...it's not until friday so I hope hes right.
Please ladies send as much labor start as you can!!!!!!!!!
Please ladies send as much labor start as you can!!!!!!!!!
I've been pretty regular going about twice a day for last week or two. Possibly longer. Anyone have any insight they can offer me? I'm a little nervous about taking it.