5th Update: Mild Preeclampsia. I'm going home on bed rest! (5th in comments)
My blood pressure while light walking is usually around 150/90. At my appointments my blood pressure is usually about 120/70. Is it normal for it to rise this high during pregnancy?
THANKS I'm on vacay and I dont go to the doctor for another week.
So yesterday at my regular OB appointment my blood pressure was 160/98 so they sent my to labor and delivery for a NST. Janson (whos 33 weeks) didnt have two spikes within 10 minutes so he was negative for the NST. I'm currently in the process of doing the 24 hour urine collection (3 hours left!) and resting alot. My blood pressure has stablized and my swelling (which was a 1) has receded alot! At my OB there was trace ammounts of protein in my urine. So in like 5 or 6 hours I should learn if I have toxemia or not. Oh, and I've had 2 blood tests. My potassium and platelet counts are low. The normal range for potassium is 3.5 to 5.3 and mine was 3.1. Also, my platelet count was 104 and normal range is 150 to like 400 I think. The nurse said that people with toxemia usually have a platelet count of 60 so hopefully that means I'm in the clear! This is my first time in the hospital! I've been here since 9am yesterday lol wish me luck!
Any advice or similar stories is GREATLY appreciated!
**2nd Update**
I heard back from the nurse and I do have mild preeclampsia. I'm not sure about the ammount of protien they found during the 24 hour urine sample though. I do know that my platelet count has been low. My blood sugar hasnt really been stable. My blood pressure hasnt gone over 100 yet. Its generally stable unless I've been sitting up for more than 10 minutes! I just got the steroid shot incase I do have to deliever prematurely. Which, by the way, really freaking hurts. Even after its done! I get another one of those tomorrow, as well as more blood tests to see how my white blood cells are. They're also going to decide whether or not to keep me here or send me to a specialist! Other than that, all is well!
THANKS I'm on vacay and I dont go to the doctor for another week.
So yesterday at my regular OB appointment my blood pressure was 160/98 so they sent my to labor and delivery for a NST. Janson (whos 33 weeks) didnt have two spikes within 10 minutes so he was negative for the NST. I'm currently in the process of doing the 24 hour urine collection (3 hours left!) and resting alot. My blood pressure has stablized and my swelling (which was a 1) has receded alot! At my OB there was trace ammounts of protein in my urine. So in like 5 or 6 hours I should learn if I have toxemia or not. Oh, and I've had 2 blood tests. My potassium and platelet counts are low. The normal range for potassium is 3.5 to 5.3 and mine was 3.1. Also, my platelet count was 104 and normal range is 150 to like 400 I think. The nurse said that people with toxemia usually have a platelet count of 60 so hopefully that means I'm in the clear! This is my first time in the hospital! I've been here since 9am yesterday lol wish me luck!
Any advice or similar stories is GREATLY appreciated!
**2nd Update**
I heard back from the nurse and I do have mild preeclampsia. I'm not sure about the ammount of protien they found during the 24 hour urine sample though. I do know that my platelet count has been low. My blood sugar hasnt really been stable. My blood pressure hasnt gone over 100 yet. Its generally stable unless I've been sitting up for more than 10 minutes! I just got the steroid shot incase I do have to deliever prematurely. Which, by the way, really freaking hurts. Even after its done! I get another one of those tomorrow, as well as more blood tests to see how my white blood cells are. They're also going to decide whether or not to keep me here or send me to a specialist! Other than that, all is well!
Anyways, to answer your question... no it isn't. My doctor told me if it got to 140/80 to call his office and if it got to 150/90.. to go to the hospital. If it continues to stay that high I'd give your doctor a call.
She finally called me back! She said since I took it on an electronic one that it could be inaccurate.... So the 7 times I've taken it this week it was wrong! lol but she said if I have bad sweeling (which I do) then go to the ER. But I'm just gonna wait until I get back and go to my appointment.... Its on the 15th I think so we'll see what happens then! I hope everything turns out to be okay! Between placenta perevia and gestational diabetes my pregnancy is complicated enough with out the worry of pre-e!!!!!!
I don't know anything about platelets or potassium.
I was just thinking about you last night. This wasn't the update I was hoping for for you though. hopefully you'll get good results back though!! Please let me know. Did your doctor say what the gameplan will be if you get not so good results??
So I'm still at the hospital. The steroid shot made my blood sugar so up so I'm on insulin shots now as well. My blood pressure has gone back and forth. The doctor said that for the protien in the urine, like 300 is mild pre-e and in the thousands is severe pre-e, mine was like 600. I get another steroid shot toinght at like 10, and that should be my last one. I have GOD awful heartburn so its hard for me to lay on my side constanlty. They also did another NST and he was positive this time, so atleast thats good. Tomorrrow after my bloodwork they're going to make the decision on what to do with me. They may send me to a bigger hospital that has a NICU since this hospital doesnt deliever under 35 weeks. I may end up staying here and be induced at 37 weeks. Or I may be lucky enough that I get to go home. Hes really worried about lung development since boys lungs develop more slowly, and also the gestational diabetes slows down development to. So going home doesnt seem likely he said. Since I'm on strict bed rest and pre-e can spiral downward very fast. So I'll find out more tomorow, please hope that its all good!
@stillsurprised If you dont mind me asking, how was your little one when you had him? Any NICU time?
@steph_due_101611 Thank you! I'm sorry about your experience, you wont scare me if you want to share. I like knowing all the possibilities. I know seizures happen whenever it develops into eclapsia.
@kindell yeah I've only done it once so far. They still make me pee in the little bowl to monitor how much urine output I have. How often did you have to do the 24 hour urine?
So the doctor came in and apparently I was having contractions during the NST they were performing. So he checked me and I'm a fingertip dialated and about 50% effaced. He said that with preeclampsia its common for my body to go into labor on its own for protection. Also, if I do go into labor they dont plan on stopping it. I'm 33weeks and 4 days today! So I guess we're still waiting on my platelet levels tomorrow to see if I get transfered or stay here. But I have a feeling that going home for sure isn't an option anymore!
@stillsurprised I get tested for the Group B strep sometime. I had an appointment at my OB for it for the 22nd but I may not be out of the hospital. How many weeks were you when you had her? I'm so happy that shes doing great now! Were you given steroid shots with her?