Plugged duct? :(

edited November 2011 in Breastfeeding
In the beginning my left breast was producing way more then my right one and now it's the other way around. Now I'm lucky if I get more than 2oz out of the left one, but I don't feel like it's being emptied.. it's still a little firm after I pump and there's a radiating pain in between pumping. I've tried hot showers and massage, but nothing is helping :( does anyone know anything else that might help?


  • Maybe thrush. When I first got thrush it was radiating pain and in my shoulder/armpit and I thought clogged duct at first as well. Have you tried manually getting the milk out in shower or with hot rag? Also let baby eat off that boob a lot if its clogged baby can empty it better then anything else. Good luck.
  • @samantha I thought it was thrush at first because my nipples were really itchy and his tongue is white, but yesterday the dr said he doesn't have thrush and my nipples don't itch anymore, so I'm not sure :( I've tried to get it out manually in the shower, but NOTHING comes out... I'll try getting him to eat off it, thank you!
  • I would let him eat off it for awhile. Good luck.
  • Someone might have a better answer but watch out for mastitis so fever and flu like symptoms and sore breasts with redness and them being hot.
  • Do u feel a bump? I had a plugged duct forever--nothing was working including a hospital grade pump. I had a bump so I used cabbage the size of the bump to dry it out....I am much much happier bc of it.
  • yes if its a hard lump, let him nurse as much as possible (if he is latching yet?) if not, put your hand at the top of your breast and rub downwards towards your nipple repeatedly in the shower thats nice and hot. and pump a little longer on that side too
  • @mom2be I might have to try that!

    @bahamamama4828 He still will only latch for a few seconds :( not sure why though. I tried rubbing it in the shower, but it just hurt more than anything
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