Feeling anxious

edited November 2011 in Babies
I get an anxious feeling everytime other ppl hold my baby. Its like I just want her back into my arms. Its like I wait for her to make some kind of whining noise or cry just so I can get her back. Does anybody else get this feeling?


  • Yup! I even miss her when im sleeping!
  • Lol I felt like that too
  • How funny I'm like that too. Although now that he's a bit older I'm mot ad bad.
  • Me too! Especially when my father in law holds him bcuz he is kinda rough! Or when lil kids ask to hold him and the parent lets them...boy r my eyes on them like a hawk!
  • @excitedforoctober my lo hasnt got her shots yet so lil kids holding her is off limits except my little brother! But its like I get jealous or something. Lol

    @juliansmommy I hope it gets better for me too.
  • I'm just the opposite. Lol. I'm ready for someone else to hold him...just not for too long, I still want to get him back after awhile. I don't really want to hold other babies since having mine. Is that weird?
  • I know exactly what you mean.....i give everyone 2 minutes if that lol
  • @sands3 no thats not weird at all. Even before I got preggo I hated holding other ppls babies! Its just not my thing. Lol. But my sil is like you. Shes ready for someone else to hold her daughter. Thats one reason y I thought I was being weird for having that anxious feeling. Lol
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