my baby wont eat!

edited November 2011 in Babies
She won't eat a full feeding today! its 10.30 and she's eaten for a total of maybe 20 minutes. usually she eats for 10-20 at a time. it seems like she's just taking enough to take the edge off and then she falls asleep. she is acting normal otherwise so why is she doing this?


  • I have days like that although im bottle feeding so I know how much she is having. I put it down to growth spurts.
  • mine does this too and im nursing as well and she is 5 weeks..its mostly at night and in the morning but by afternoon and evening she eats a lot longer
  • My daughter cluster feeds all morning and by mid afternoon she settles down to feed longer, she is 5 weeks
  • I thought so but wasn't too sure! @2ndbutfirst its getting a little frustrating I'm trying to tidy up but whenever I put her down she wakes up hungry. so I feed her and she eats for 5 min and back to sleep! might be one of those days where nothing gets done lol
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