My husband asked me to go to a football game on Monday. We have been to many and will again in the future but I don't think it is fair for him to be gone to work all day then gone all night when dd is only 5weeks old. I am the only caregiver during the day and I need some relief when he comes home. Not that he does much anyway but the little bit helps. He does something one day every weekend like golf etc. And now he wants to be gone all day and night too! I left once for two hours to get my haircut and he said he didn't want me to leave again. I just don't think it is fair and it is selfish for him to ask me and make me be the bad guy because I say no I need some help. It would be different if she was a little older and didn't need.constant attention. What do you think am I being unreasonable? Thanks for your opinion.