Totally NPR question about cops(update)

So today... I was driving to pick my daughter up from daycare and on the way there was slow moving traffic so I pass the truck and continue on my way thinking that I did nothing wrong. So as i'm driving along and I notice this black car following me but I pay no attention to it. I stop at a stop sign this black crown victoria(undercover cop) pulls up beside me and honks, I look over and he motions me to roll down my window. I do and he preceeds to tell that I "should expect a visit from him tomorrow" and that I "shouldn't pass people again like that" and drives off. I was like wtf?! I know cops have up to 90 days to issue a citation(or so I've heard) after the infraction. But did he seriously have to do something like that. I wasn't in a rush so I don't know why he couldn't just issue the ticket then or not. I'm just really confused. Is he going to send it to me in the mail or really "visit" me tomorrow. I work so I don't how he would find me but will he be waiting on me or something...probably sounding like a crazy lady right now, but just really confused and a bit pissed off


  • After he drove off I was just sitting there like WTF just happened? Hell I don't even know if he was a "real cop", yeah he had the whole undercover car thing and had the computer in the front seat but I thought undercover cops could issue tickets as well, and considering that we were on a really quiet rode with room to pull over why couldn't he just give me the ticket right then
  • edited November 2011
    I don't know if I should tell my husband about the whole thing or not either
  • I would call the local station and ask them about it and see if they can pin point if it was a real officer or not. if it was he should have identified himself as an officer and showed you his badge as well him saying expect a visit that's not normal. I would be skeptical I know there has been an ex con in our area pretending to be am officer in an unmarked car. Not sure what area you are in, but I would definitely call the local station and ask just in case.
  • I agree. That doesn't seem right. Definitely tell your husband and call the station. If it wasn't a cop they need to know before someone gets hurt.
  • I live in Arizona. It was in the city of Surprise if that makes any difference. I was just really paranoid after the whole ordeal. I'm still just really confused. I know he followed me for a good 5 miles or so before I stopped at the sign
  • My husbanda dad is chief of police in wisconsin and he said probly not a real cop and even if it was an undercover they still have lights to pull u over. Whatever you do if he comes to ur house dont let him in and call the cops. U need to call ur local police station asap anyways.
  • Hmmm thats weird...btw your city has such a cool name :p
  • @excitedforoctober thats what all my friends and family say back at home! of course I came from a town in Texas that was named "Sudan"
  • Sudan Surprise! Lol, wow thats weird!
  • @excitedforoctober lol yeah it is! I love your profile picture BTW, i just reliese what it was. Absolutly adorbs!
  • Call the station. That's super creepy. Was he in uniform?
  • @proudmomma Not that I saw. It looked like he was just wearing a long sleeve black shirt. Had sunglasses on. Kind of a young guy, maybe around 30's or so.
  • Thats scary. I'd call the local station & do not let him in your house! I asked my cousin ,a cop in MO, he said the person should have shown you a badge no matter what.
  • My husband is a cop and would never do something like that. The man could have been impersonating a police officer.
  • You should call the cops and ask. Where im from..back in the summer guys were going around knockong on peoples doors pretending to be cops & they were robbing them when they opened the door. Very scary!
  • Well for one I don't think he woulda honked the horn if he was a real police bc even under cover cars have those blue snd white lights....that guy sounds like a psycho!!!
  • Wow he followed u, blowed the horn, said he will make a visit to ur house...none of that adds up, make sure no one is following u home. Definitely tell hubby & call local Pd to notify them on what happen!
  • @MissQ_1stTimeMommy2B thats what I thought too after he drove off! I think I'm going to call the police. Told my husband and he thinks so too.

    @Mimii36 I nearly jumped out my skin when there was a knock at the door a couple of hours ago. Ran and grabed my husband's shotgun. Turns out it was just a member from my husband's church lol but I'm on edge right now

  • @kayleigh27 im like that ANY time someone knocks on my door & if I hear my dogs outside barking I freak out too. Im a HUGE scaredy cat!
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  • That's strange. I have a few members of my family that are cops in Arizona and it just doesn't add up. I'm interested in what the police station had to say.
  • My brother's a police officer here in NJ and I know he's issued citations after the initial incident, but they'll mail them, not hand deliver them. That's a waste of their time. Sounds too strange to me....@kayleigh27 I'm also interested in what the local station said.
  • @Mama_Kat @navybabyonway @mam082711 @Pinkigirl So I called the station. They said that he was indeed a cop, but was off duty and could not give me a citation. I asked "couldn't he just have called another cop on his cell or something if it was that urgent?" Him "No because he was off duty" Me "So what will happen now? I think that if he was a cop that was unprofessional the way he handled it" Then he said "Well he said that he would deal with you today" Me "how is he going to do that?" Him "Legally he can still give you the ticket"

    So what do you ladies think? I didn't see the cop(or any cop) today on the way to work, after work, on the way to daycare, and back. Can he still legally give me a ticket even though there really isn't any proof of the whole thing?
  • I call bs on that I wouldn't worry about it sounds like he was just trying too be a ass hole
  • I'm jus glad it was a real cop !! If not I wuld have been scared to death ! It will Def put ur mind at ease about that :)
  • If he couldn't call another cop because he was "off duty" then why did he technically stop you if he was "off duty"?
  • Sounds very unprofessional.
  • I would say he could try but you could contest it. 1) he gave you no real identification 2) he did not actually stop you or give you a clear reason for stopping you/ citing you. If he was off duty and he did not have his camera on then it will likely get thrown out. If he did have his camera on then it will show those two reasons above.
  • @ExcitedForOctober Exactly! idk why either. Then for them to say " he'll deal with you today" was just as bad. So who knows if he's going to send it in the mail or what
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