Crying during feeds, wont eat

edited December 2011 in Pregnant
My son usually does good with feeding times but last night my fiance called and told me he was screaming like something was terribly wrong during his bottle feeds. I called his pcp and they said it could be reflux.....anybody had something similar happen?


  • edited December 2011
    Sometimes my lo does this. She will latch on & cry & then come right back on for about 10seconds & then cry & come off again. She will do this continously. I just stop trying to feed het for a little while & just comfort her, rock her, etc until she calms down. Then I try again.
  • Yeah we kept having to pull the bottle out, let it sit for about 10 mins and then do it again....repeatedly for like 45 fiance was getting so frustrated because he was doing that all night. But today he's back to drinking straight through
  • Yea I know the feeling. It can get frustrating but you/or him just has to be patient. Im not sure about the reflux thing tho. Does she have any other symptoms of reflux? She probably was just having a bad night. My lo does sometimes.
  • My Lo does that every now and then.I was thinking reflux but she didn't have any other symptoms and she doesn't do it often. So I'm not sure what it is.
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  • I think wen they do that their lil tummys hurt, probably gas.
  • Yes my baby was crying during her feedings Tuesday and we went to the er she has a ear infection and now on antibiotics so u might want to bring him to the Dr to get those ears checked!!
  • Yeah my lo has an appy today at 5 so theyre gonna check him out and see whats going on with him. Hopefully its nothing too bad
  • if this is the only time your baby has done this it might not be reflux did u try gas drops
  • Yeah his pcp said he must of been having a bad night because nothing was wrong with him. She said sometimes preemies get like that
  • My daughter does that sometimes, its usually gas, sore gums or she is tired and cant settle down
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