Anyone who has gone through the expierence of having their baby boy circumcised?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I am having a baby boy and its been 15 years since I had a boy last. My son didn't get circumcised until he was 2 years old. His father didn't believe in doing since he wasn't. But I've always been for it but since I've never experienced it with a baby I'm not sure what to expect with a newborn. Things have changed since 15 years ago. I'm nervous, I want to be as prepared as can be. Thanks ladies.


  • It's a simple procedure...they put a little plastic cap on it and it falls off in a week or son wasn't bothered by his at all...he was 2 days old when it was done...
  • My son was circumsized at a day old & he was fine. You can request that he gets pain medicine so he won't feel it as much. I suggest getting it done while they're in the hospital because the older they get the more it will hurt.
  • My son has his done. I don't know how they did it tho. It's very easy to keep clean while healing. You either use a glob of vasoline or the hospital may give you a presoaked gauze to wrap around it while diapering.
  • My baby's father isnt either, but we both decided that it's better for my baby. I want to do it AT the hospital before i even get sent home..just to get it over with!!! But im a bit nervous as well since this is my 1st
  • We had our son circumcised at the hospital. They put a little plastic cap on it and he was medicated. The only suggestion I have is related to the newborn photos they take at the hospital. Make sure they get the pictures before they do the procedure. The hospital pediatrician wouldn't wait for us to get the photos first... Our son was totally knocked out from the pain meds. Still took cute photos but wish that he had been awake.
  • I was told by our doctor if we wanted to have ours done, to take him to a local highly recommended pediatric clinic instead of the hospital because they do a better job & the cost is -litterally, in our area- 10x more $ at the hospital- ridiculous!... they do say to have it done within the first 1-2 days of baby's life. My best friend also says to slather it with Vaseline after every diaper change & he'll be fine. Hope this helps!! :)
  • I had my son done. After seeing one be done while I was in clinicals. Horrible to see by the way. I talked to the doctor about it and she said if they are uncircumcised they have higher rate of infections when they get a little older and higher chance of catching stds.
  • My son peed on the doc that did it! They did it right there in a room next to the nursery.
  • Both my boys had it done. The first had the plasty bell (cap) the other was done surgically at the pediatricians office. I would prefer the plasty bell. Much easier to take care of
  • I have not gone through the experience, but luckily, I will never have to. My DH and I are both against it. Any boy we have will be natural, as God created him.
  • my son was circumcised at like a week. me and his father waited in the doctors office and they took him somewhere, and came back and he was done. they said he actually fell asleep during the process didnt cry once. So i wouldnt worry about it, i was more worried about his naval than that. ;;)
  • Thanks ladies for all the input. My 1st son had to eventually have it done when he was 2 because fluid was getting trapped under the skin so he had to as to why I want it done as a newborn in the first place. I don't want to worry about anything like that happening as he gets older and having it become an actual surgical procedure. I just get nervous about his pain. I saw a video of a baby having it done & even though it only took 5 minutes it was the longest 5minutes ever. I know he'll be ok & so will I. Thank you again ladies for alleluia of yalls input. Very reassuring. :)
  • I am having a girl for my first, but not sure what I will do when we have a boy. I am all for leaving him natural, but my husband is Jewish and it is of course part of their tradition. Unfortunately it just seems cruel and unnatural to me, with no real health benefits, mostly cosmetic ( which I don't personally see - a penis is still just kinda funny looking no matter how you package it lol)
  • @melinda326 it is an "actual surgical procedure" no matter what age it is done at.
    @QweenNique your son probably passed out from the shock and pain...
  • They say the younger the better!! :)
  • The doctor I asked about it said she had just seen a teenager where his penis was very infected the poor kid was like 13 and didn't want to tell his mom there was something wrong. She said it happens quite often because teenage boys don't have the best hygiene.
  • They say if done while in the hospital, by the time its over the baby doesnt even remember,
  • @cal_85 I know its a surgical procedure at any age. What I meant by that was my son was sent to a hospital and put to sleep while a urologist performed the procedure on him & he had to have stitches & it took awhile for them to do the surgery from start to finish.
    @mom60511 I agree with that. When I worked at a preschool I had a child who at 5 years old had to get circumcised because hid foreskin stopped growing causing tightness around his penis. Its a much bigger deal as they get older than it is when their babies. But it is everyone's own decision and after what I went through with my son I am not risking it happening again. He wont remember it.
  • I have two teenage brothers. The 14 yr old is circumsized and has never had any issues.
    My 13 yr old brother is not circumsized and has always had problems with infections under the fold of skin, and has to go thru the embarrasment of telling my mother or me about is so that we can get him into the dr, and then he has to go thru showing the dr his area...its a mess. no matter how hygenically cautious a teen is, they will always be prone to infections. And he has had infections sinve he was a toddler and thru elementary school, all his life pretty much and my mom always kept him clean. So to those who say it has no health benefits and its purely cosmetic- your wrong.
    I'm getting my son circumsized absolutely and recommend it to all mommas having a boy.
  • @babyboyontheway good post on real life experience

  • If I have a boy, he's gonna keep his foreskin. When my husband's son was born, he did a lot of research and asked every woman he knew what they thought about foreskins. All of the women he talked to said it wasn't a turn off if a guy still had it. Plus, the foreskin protects the head so its more sensitive than a circumcised man's. At the hospital where I'm delivering, it costs $400 to get the procedure done! I can think of better uses for $400.
  • If I have a boy I'm not getting him snipped. My fiance isn't and never had any problems...
  • My husband isn't and our 2boys are.I was informed that if they were uncircumsized there was a higher rate of infection.if u do decide to have it done I would say the earlier the sons had it done the 2nd day they were born while still in the hospital.1st time was by pedatrician and 2nd was by my gyno.I will use a pediatrician next time if its a Gyno didn't not finish it all the way so for wks I had to keep pulling the it back and ripping it.every diaper change I had to take a warm wash cloth and clean n pull it back n then put Vaseline n gauze on it but u have to do all that except the wash cloth thing anyway.everyone I know who wasn't there's ripped when they got older and had not saying it happens to everyone just everyone I've eve talked to about it.its ur choice I think either is fine.oh my Gyno charged me $600.I refuse to pay her considering she didn't even properly do son is 17months old now and fine.good luck no matter wht ur choice.
  • edited March 2011
    Also all my finances brothers are not and majority of his friends are not and have had no infection problems... actually my fiance was just at his Dr. Yesterday and he said its a common misconception... but I don't like his Dr. Anyway LOL.
    My first son is circumsized and is this one a boy I'm not. New experience for me also.
  • @mom60511 thanks (: if i have personal experiences on matter i try to share as much as possible what better way to get real life advice and not the statistics

    And in no way am i saying its what everyone should do i don't judge others preferences just as i don't want to be judged on my preferences not to breast feed or how i won't put my baby in a walker... every momma knows what's best for her baby, just remember my story when thinking about what to do :)
  • @babyboyontheway why won't you put your baby in a walker just curious.
  • I wouldn't have had my boys circumcised, but my husband wanted it done. He already had a son and they'd circumcised him, and he wanted them to look the same. The procedure was very fast, it only takes moments, and my sons weren't sore afterward at all, which I found surprising. They give them sugar water beforehand to relieve the pain. You need to keep vaseline on it for a few days so it doesn't stick to the diaper as it heals, but that's the only treatment. I think the possibility of health issues from not circumcising are slim-not that they don't happen (obviously they do, as babyboyontheway can testify) but they aren't the norm. My nephew has never had an issue and he is uncircumcised, and from what I've read that seems to be how it generally is. I don't regret having it done, but, like I said, I wouldn't have chosen to if my husband hadn't preferred it.
  • @mom60511 walkers are dangerous they have very bad statistics for injuries. Also it slows the development of the baby, crawling is important to development both physically and mentally. And i used to be a nanny for a little girl from when she was 6 months to 2 yrs and i HATED having her in the walker she got into everything everyone including her injured there together and conversation could she was quick and she really disnt like it either i never used that thing its not a good place to stick a baby to occupy them

    Thats just how i feel
  • I personally don't know what to do & I'm having a boy. My boyfriend isn't circumcised and I'm sure that he's not going to want the baby too either. Anyone know of any good places to reasearch the pros and cons of circumcision? The only thing that I'm afriad of it my son dosent do it & he did what his father did tear :/ idk if want him to go through that pain when he's older.
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