Early pregnancy cramps? Help

edited October 2011 in First Trimester
Ok so I believe I'm about 7w. And for like the past 2w I've been crampy I've heard it's normal. However how much cramps are too much? Did anyone have this? I can't get in the drs for the initial appointments until next thursday. I have had absolutely no bleeding what so ever just crampy.


  • I cramped the whole first trimester. Then 2nd trimester round ligament pain started. As long as no blood and its not excruciating pain id say your fine. But I am not a Dr. :)
  • I had really bad cramps in the first trimester. They were so bad they woke me up in the middle of the night. I think its just from ur uterus growing. That's what it felt like to me
  • @samantha & @benjaminsmomma thanks. Yeah they aren't absolutely horrible, but I do radke extra strength to ease the pain a little, it's more irritating then anything. I miscarries in may but I bled& cramped like crazy. So thats why I'm a little paranoid. I'm thinking it is just my uterus growing too but knowing other ppl have experienced bad & so so type cramps while preg helps. At the appointment I will bring it up. I just hate feeling crampy & like shit all day! :(
  • Been having this too and i think you can't help but to worry ...hope we're just growing our sticky babies!!! :-D if that's the case... i'll take it!!
  • I was crampy with my 2 pregnancies I used a heat pack to ease them
  • I had cramps from weeks 4-8 of my pregnancy. It felt just like I was bout to get my period. It's just everything stretching & growin. It's normal as long as ur not in exruciating pain and/or bleeding.
  • They've ceased now I'm 9w 3d. I just get them every once and awhile. They were very uncomfortable & I always found myself running to the bathroom. But it's all good now!
  • I was Crampy in the beginning and it freaked me out too. I took about 10 test between 4-8 weeks pregnant BC I had to keep reassuring myself that I actually was!
  • Mine felt like the worst cramps of my life
  • I just went to the dr for the same thing yesterday but I had some spotting as well. This last week should of been my period so I am only 5 weeks. I've cramped since the week after ovulation the dr said to me that cramping in early early pregnancy can be caused from the lineing of the uturas getting thicker to support the implantation of your baby. I am so early that we didn't get to see our little bundle yet I go back the 15 th for another ultrasound. Functionally everything looked good. Unless your start bleeding like a heavy period I wouldn't be to concerened. Take it easy, when you rest put your feet up and just stay calm as you can be. Baby dust to you.
  • @timebandit I'm fine now I posted this about a month ago. I'm now 9w 3d and cramping is very minimal. But at first I had cramps almost all day!
  • I had some with my first. With this one I had crazy cramps that made me paranoid since I MC twice before this pregnancy. I had a fantastic pregnancy with my first with no problems to speak of. This one I had horrible morning sickness, painfully cramps and extreme fatigue.
  • Cramping is normal. Theyre supposed to feel almost like period cramps. If they ever get too bad you should always ask your dr. all I know is, I had them with my first and now with this pregnancy from being so bloated
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