I have 4 days left!!! Im being induced Tuesday the 20th @ 6:15am. At my appt Wednesday (the 14th) my ob said I was 80% effaced and almost dialated to 8cm so she was going to go ahead and induce me since Im so close and so far dialated. My actual due date is 12/30. He'll be 5 days old by Christmas First baby btw for those who dont know. I keep hearing I wont have a labor and itll go very smooth, Im glad and blessed!
i have 3 days left and im ready to get this over and done with. Im gettng a little discourage cause i have been 90% effaced and 1cm dilated for the past 2 weeks with know change i had a dr appt today and was told that i wouldnt be able to get an induction scheduled next week cause they're already overbooked.im so sick of being hot and pregnant i just wanna punch something
@MrsThompson34 yeah i know right. i can't believe i am this close...i'll need the luck. i'm such a wimp i hate contractions. i am not looking forward to that lol
@mrsthompson34 he is worse then me. He looks so scared and I get mad at him for not helping me more and he says because I get mad and he can't do anything to help me lol
I am slowly packing my bag. I got babies bag packed...and I still gotta pack my kids bag for wherever they go lol
@myHEARTZx3 i knoww it, people dont believe me when i tell them that, especially the nurses at my ob clinic, theyre mouths drop open literally. I hope my induction is quick like everyone tells me it will be since im so far dialated. I dont know what to expect since this is my first baby.
Oh my gosh lol at him. My husband was no freakin help either & I was in the hospital for 7 days. lol thas Hella bags to pack. Does ur parents live in Hawaii?? Or his?? Like the saying goes a mothers job is never done & its so true lol
@mrsthompson34 this time around I'm having him video record instead of standing around being useless lol. Was ur hubby more nervous then u too? And damn 7 days! That's long. Yeah we just got our moms but my mom works and his mom is on leave because she has cysts and in pain but she will probably be the one to watch them because everyone else works.
he got scared n nervous wen they said I was having a c section. He always thinks the worse. I was crying BC I couldnt have a natural birth. It was just me n him at the hospital til I had her then I called my family n he called his. lol I was living in the hospital. Really ur gona have ur delivery recorded??? I think thas great my hubby recorded my c section
@mrsthompson34 did u end up having a c section because the inducement didn't work? We called everyone when I was going into labor with my son but I gave birth so fast everyone came after. Lol And yeah I want him to record because I wanna see everything happen...even my sis or cousin is gonna be there to take pics of baby lol I just told them they gotta stand by my head until shes out lmao. At least u got ur first caught on video...none of my others were.
After 23 hrs I didnt open up one bit & the pitocin was kickin my ass & lucky I went with the c section BC the cord was wrapped around Nylas neck twice.
I hope you don't have a Christmas baby! Lol would stink but you could do like a friend of mine & celebrate 1/2 birthdays lol
@nova at 3cm i'm sure u can go anytime now hang in there mama
@JessAnnEngland i really can't believe u arre dilated that much and walking around lol. at 4cm i was crying for an epidural hahaha
I am slowly packing my bag. I got babies bag packed...and I still gotta pack my kids bag for wherever they go lol
Was ur hubby more nervous then u too? And damn 7 days! That's long.
Yeah we just got our moms but my mom works and his mom is on leave because she has cysts and in pain but she will probably be the one to watch them because everyone else works.
And yeah I want him to record because I wanna see everything happen...even my sis or cousin is gonna be there to take pics of baby lol I just told them they gotta stand by my head until shes out lmao. At least u got ur first caught on video...none of my others were.