red wine

edited January 2011 in Health
I have heard that one glass of wine occasionally is ok.... what is everyones opinion about that? :-?


  • I wouldn't risk my unborn child's health for anything. It is still unknown how much drugs or alcohol it takes to cause damage to an unborn baby.
  • I have heard the same but when I researched it, there was not enough evidence or studies done to discuss the pros and cons. The similarity of all things I read said that its best not to consume any alcohol at all. I thought about jus having one glass a week but I couldnt go thru with it without knowing the facts. Talk to ur doc bcuz theres just not enough info anywhere elsr.
  • I wouldn't my Dr hasn't told its ok so I won't other older moms tell me too but I'm not risking my babys health not worth something happening
  • My doctor told me a glass every other day is fine.. he said sips of it will be best.. he also said its good for the babys heart development & then I guess to make me feel better about it he said that the older people always drank wine with their meals & their pregnancies were fine.. good point. So then I asked about after the baby is born because of breast feeding.. & he said drinking a glass or two about 2 to 3 before feeding or pumping is fine!
  • A glass every other day sounds like a lot. I would get a second opinion, I've never heard of drinking to help the baby's heart develop.
  • Oh that's exactly what I thought.. I held my tongue & went about my business, but everyone is different with some things & there is noooo way id wanna risk that mess! Doesn't sound worth it to me.. but it came straight from the docs mouth!
  • Mommy3 I would be very cautious of the advice your ob gave you. Yes, moms used to drink and smoke a lot during pregnancy...and they had low birth weight babies or worse. I am a l&d nurse. If you get any more questionable advice from that ob I would seriously think about switching doctors. Good for a baby's heart? No way. Alcohol is a depressant and a blood thinner... good for you for not trusting the advice. I had a patient once who was told by their doctor that pot helps with morning sickness...sure, it also causes placental abruption and she lost her baby. Always question things that don't seem right. Let your momma bears come out. Sounds like you are all off to good starts. Best wishes :)
  • Also about is recommended you pump and DUMP your breastmilk for 12 HOURS after drinking ANY alcohol. So keep that in mind and make sure you have plenty of expressed milk in the fridge before you drink. A glass or two 2 or 3 hours before nursing will result in a very sleepy baby....not safe.
  • Oh wow. So glad you said something. & that came from the doc at the doctors office, not the baby doc.. but I assure you, I'll be sure to call him out on this!
  • My two bros are docs and they said that even if there wad enuff research out there it most likely wud not be promoted bc as soon as u open the door and say even one glass if wine...which has been shown to have some health allowed let's say once a month for example...ud have the people who say...ok I can drink once a month so once a week is ok right or once a day....some people wud exploit the confirmation and abuse it
  • There is no need to pump and dump your milk the alchol dosent stay in your milk it leaves the milk just as it does your body I did a lot of research on this and read a lot into it but as long as your drinking make sure there is enough milk to feed the baby while doing it but one glass of wine or beer is fine and you can still breastfeed reasearch it or ask your doc
  • Actually a glass of red wine is fine it has a ton of antioxidants that are good for u and the baby just don't Di it in excess
  • Thank you for all ur advice... I am on my second tri and I haven't had any wine or anything else for that matter... it just sounds good.
  • and yet, caffee is bad for you...? I don't understand.
  • Yup exactly no need to pump n dump. As soon as the alchol(however u spell that lol) is out of your blood it is out of your milk. Have a drink right after u nurse is best
  • Caffine id bad for u in large quanaties
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