Why is she like this!?

I am SO frustrated! Im going back to work next week & my lo is so damn stubborn. Sometimes she will take the bottle but most of the time she doesnt! Im running out of time! I start back work next week! I cant do that if she wont take the bottle. My sis in law kept her a couple hours the weekend & she screamed for an hour until I got there because she wouldnt take it. Then when she finally starts to drink..she only will drink an ounce! I regret ever starting to bf!


  • Mama you need to go on strike. No boobies till she takes that bottle.
  • Can you feed her some then get her to take the bottle? Is there a flow problem with the bottle, too fast or too slow? Is it breastmilk?
    I don't know, people say a baby will eat when hungry...
  • Dont regret doing whwts best for your child by breastfeeding. She probably just doesnt like the nipple. Did you try the tommee tippee ones? My BF son uses those.
  • I agree with going on strike! If shes really hungry she will suck on whatever is given to her! Good luck!
  • My baby is the same now. Used to bottle just fine, now screams bloody murder like we are trying to poison her... :( no luck when I leave for a bit either... I know nipples are fine, she is just stuck on boob and is very stubborn.she will learn that if it is only choice, but my Dr said only let other ppl give her bottle and not while she knows I am there. She will learn others = bottle, you = boob.
  • I wouldn't go on strike, with you going back to work, she will be even more upset, but I could be wrong, I know my lo was very upset when I went back, she was on me like starfish until I stopped working and things got back to normal for us...
  • @ashley_smashley ive tryed EVERY bottle there is! Seriously! I dont really regret breastfeeding but I wish I would have exclusively pumped like I planned.

    @ashleyz she figured that trick out. Lol
    & im sure its no flow problem because ive tryed different bottles & every now & then she will take it with no problem. Not very often tho.

    Im trying that tonight. Its just so hard to hear her scream for hours because shes hungry & I know I could just feed her. It makes me feel bad.
  • @jellybelly1015 omg thats exactly how she acts. Its like im trying to kill her. Its frustrating because nobody is going to want to keep a screaming baby!
  • http://www.thenewmomshop.com/default.asp?m=0

    this is suppose to be good..have you tried yet??
  • @amab13 I sure hope so! Im going to continue to try all week.
  • My friend breastfeeds her Baby & she is now going back to work. My Mom babysits her 5 month old & she wont take a bottle so she wont eat til her Mom gets home n thas about 9 to 10 hrs without eating
  • Have you tried breastflow bottles? They are as close to the real thing as you can get.
  • edited December 2011
    @MrsThompson34 im afraid my lo will be like this. & thats going to make it hard to find a babysitter because she crys & crys when she is hungry. She cryed for an hour straight when I left her with my sis in law the weekend. She only stopped because I got there & fed her

    @momaynot someone from pregly is suppose to be sending me one 2mrw. I dont have anymore money to buy bottles since im not working & she was nice enough to give one. Hopefully I will get it soon.
  • Thas the same friend i told u about wen her Baby cries for like 3 hrs straight n has her hands balled up in a fist n has her eyes closed. iono how my Mom can handle it. For the 10 hrs my Mom watches her 8 out of ten shes crying on n off.
  • @MrsThompson34 wow idk how your mom does it either. Im afraid no one will want to keep my lo. Then idk what im going to do.
  • edited December 2011
    Don't worry if you have to toss ounces, I have to do sane w mine... I try to look at it that atleast I am stimulating for production. Whoever will watch her, just explain to them exactly what is going on. If it is your mom or another mom, THEY WILL UNDERSTAND!!! If it is someone else, give them tips. I told my hubby to slowly strip her down to diaper, making faces between each sleeve or leg, and if she needs changing, change her, if not open diaper and gently blow in her butt (I know it sounds weird, but it distracts her!) Make faces, stay/ pretend to be happy, as your/ their attitude can wear on her. Take a walk, even if just around house, retry bottle. If no go, restart with strip down, walk and retry. Each round can go 15-30 minutes, but helps keep a goal and next step which instead of feeling like "what do I do now????" They will be, "ok, let's start again." This got my hubby through three hours and where he usually has short fuse, I got home and he wasn't the least frazzled because he expectec the behavior and had steps to go through knowing probably have little effect. Hope this helps, you might know another step for your baby to add, my lo just happens to love her changing table pad and getting naked lol. Oh, a few times I will take burp cloth, put under her totally naked on that on her activity mat and let her wiggle naked and she seems to dig that too!!! Try naked time, babies are funny like that!!! Just make sure warm in room!
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