baby measured bigger than he should?!?!

edited December 2011 in Pregnant
Is this bad??? Had an ultrasound today and I'm 18 weeks and two days. Baby measured 18 weeks four days what does this mean I'm freaking out!!! Also a left sided placenta is this also bad please help I need answers!!!


  • Measuring two days ahead is nothing to be concerned about! They dont grow to an exact can vary.
  • I don't think 2 days is much...i have a low lying placenta so I had u/s through my whole pregnancy and whenever they measured her she would be a couple days ahead but they never said anything to me. Don't worry.
  • Whew ok thanks girls the ultrasound lady had me scared!!!
  • Why did she say anything to u about it? The tech didn't say anything i would just pay attention to the little screen and I would notice that when the measured her leg it would say like 26w4days then they would measure something else and it would say was all over the place lol
  • Well she said that concerned cause my baby was measuring bigger than he should and that my placenta was on the left I left out of there in tears I was so scared. I don't think she knew what she was talking about or she was new or somwthing.
  • 2 days is no big deal at all. If it was weeks out then its something to ask questions to your doc. And your placenta has to be somewhere in there so the left side is as good as anywhere else. My first pregnancy it was at the top front of my belly, the second at the back. No need to worry at all :-)
  • Mine measured 6 weeks ahead from about 28 weeks i was terrified they said he would be massive and was 7.13lb two weeks early with loads of fluid so don't worry at all about two days baby was prob just stretching to show off to his mummy!
  • Oh my!! Did they take him early
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