Random acts of kindness

edited December 2011 in Just for Fun
Today I headed out into the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season to run a few errands. I decided to start my trip with a grande' peppermint mocha frappuccino from Starbucks, it is my weakness around the holidays. Any who, I did a quick trip through the drive~thru so I didn't have to unload my kiddos. I order my drink and packet of cookies, pull up to the pay window. Reach my arm out the window, money in hand and the woman says "Its no charge, the car in front of you already paid for your order." Oh my goodness!! I was so shocked and excited I wanted to cry. Something like that has never happened to me. It was nothing major, just a $6 bill, but just the thought made my whole day! It was nice to be reminded that there are some kind people left in the world, especially at Christmas time. I'm determined to pass on the favor next time I'm in a drive~thru. Its one of those things that gives you a pemanent smile for the day :) just wanted to share.


  • How nice! Not everyday does that happen. :)
  • Isnt it great! Last year at christmas time my bro in law was at the mall & he was looking at phones at the tmobile store..a guy asked him which one he wanted(it was a $400 phone) & when he showed it to him the guy bought it for him! He had never seen the guy a day in his life! Some ppl are just SO nice!

    Also once...i had just opened a bank account. I had deposited all my money then all if a sudden they froze me account! Me n my bf was out to eat at a pretty expensive restaraunt & I tryed to pay & my card didnt go through! I stepped outside & called the bank. Well since it was a Saturday night they said they couldnt do anything for me until the banks opened back up on Monday! I was so upset..i was fussing at the lady on the phone and crying like crazy because I didnt know what I was gonna do. There was a guy outside in his truck listening to my whole convo. He got out of his truck & told me not to worry about it. He went in & paid for it & left. I didnt even get a chance to say thank you!

    Idk if you are religious but when things like this happen..it reminds me of how good God is!
  • Sweet! I have never had that kinda thing happen to me either but here in hawaii a guy went into our local kmart and paid off random peoples layaway items :D
  • I LOVE hearing about things like this! U never know what someone is going thru and doing something so simple could totally make a difference in thier lives. <3 it!
  • Wow that was so sweet of that person.
  • You have drive through Starbucks;! Amazing! And I agree with @mommyof3girls, you never know the difference you could be making to someone's life with even the smallest gesture. Stories like this put a smile on my face (*)
  • Awww so many lovely people helping others is always a good thing. I dont really have the money to spare to help people in that way, but I always try to donate what we dont need and help people when I can.
  • @Rosiepie @mommyof3girls @ExcitedForOctober It was so sweet! I found myself thinking grouchy thoughts today about all the things I have left to get done before Christmas and then that happen and totally changed my whole mind set.
    @Mimii36 Your stories are great. There's so many sickening stories about the bad that people do. Its refreshing to hear some good for a change. I am religous and as soon as the woman told me the order was paid for it instantly popped into my head that maybe that was Gods way of reminding me what Christmas is about.
    @myHEARTZx3 @sophiasmom11 Oh my!! Could you imagine being on the receiving end of that?? I wish we had the money to do something like that!
    @littlenat86 Lol, we do indeed have several drive thru starbucks. I love it and hate it. It makes it way too easy to consume a large amount of calories in liquid form. If it weren't for the drive thru I would never go. Too much hastle with the little ones.
    @tinka1326 I think helping people out however you can is a huge gesture. It sets a wonderful example for your kids. A little kindness and compassion for others makes life that much better.

  • I feel good today. Gave some diapers, a case of formula and baby clothes to someone in need. A girl w/ a 2 year old and a baby on the way whos boyfriend just left her and cleaned out their bank account.
  • There was someone here in Maryland going around paying off peoples layaway. The news said they would find one with lots of toys and pay the whole thing off! I thought that was super cool!
  • edited December 2011
    That's so awesome! My mom is a manager at WalMart and a man came in and paid off over 1200 worth of layaway for random people!
  • A few months ago my family and I were in line at the grocery store and an old lady in front of us said she liked to play grandma and offered to buy our two girls whatever they wanted. I thought it was strange, but super nice so we let her buy them a candy bar.
  • My neighbors across the street are really struggling. They have to move out by the 1st because the house is being sold that they live in. They have a 4yr old son, 2yo daughter and 1yr old twin boys. They don't have money for christmas. Tomorrow im going out and buying some toys. Im gonna wrap them and leave them. At their door step.
  • A guy in Ohio paid off $8800 of lay a way for random people.
  • edited December 2011
    Funny I had the same thing happen to me last year around this time of year at a Starbucks drive thru too ...it totally made my day just knowing that there's still GOOD ppl out there.
  • The Starbucks' random act of kindness really took off after that Starbucks gift card went viral earlier this year. It was a "give a coffee, get a coffee" gift card were anyone could load it with money and anyone could buy a drink with it. It was really neat! Some random guy started the whole thing off by loading $30 on it. It even had it's own Twitter page where you could see how much was left on it. After Starbucks found out about it they shut it down so people switched to buying strangers' coffees in drive-thrus. Glad to see that it's still going on!
  • So i surprised my neighbor today. After learning his children were not gonna have any presents for christmas i went shopping. I wrapped up the gifts and had him come get them. He was excited. It may not have been much but to the kids its everything when you have nothing. It feels good to help people even if its just a little.
  • We have a Christian radio station here where I live. They started a thing called drive thru difference. Every Monday people will pay for the car behind them and leave a little note for the cashier to give. Its a great ministry and a wonderful way to make someones day a little brighter! Its very popular around here!
    why would Starbucks put a stop to it?
  • That's great so good to no there still people that do nice stuff for others out there :)
  • I think next year im gonna adopt a family for christmas
  • My sister has had a rough year. She's living in a homeless shelter. Her and her kids got adopted this year and its been such a help. They actually got alot of stuff. Im grateful that their are ppl who care and wanna help and i wanna pass it on.
  • My sister has had a rough year. She's living in a homeless shelter. Her and her kids got adopted this year and its been such a help. They actually got alot of stuff. Im grateful that their are ppl who care and wanna help and i wanna pass it on.
  • Holy triple post
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