Breastfeeders please stand up!

edited December 2011 in Breastfeeding
Are you...

EBF (Exclusive Breastfeeding)
Or do you also supplement with Bottle?

How long will you breastfeed?

Have you had any issues with BFing in public?

Any great advice for us BFing moms?


  • I'm bfing but I do give him bottles sometimes with pumped milk. I'm fighting the urge to go to formula. I wanted to bf for a year but sometimes it's just so frustrating I want to quit and I'm going back to work in two weeks and don't have nearly enough saved up. I may not have a choice but to go to supplementing formula once or twice a day.. My advice just keep pushing through. And advice a friend gave me if baby is fighting and you are getting frustrated put bavy down in a safe place grab a drink and a snack and walk away to where you can still hear baby. Don't give a paci or anything. In about 45 seconds your mommy insight will overcome your frustration and you will go back to baby feeling nurturing instead of frustrated and both you and baby will calm down.
  • I try and get my son to latch at every feeding sometimes he gets so angry/frustrated with me he won't latch so I give him pumped milk in a bottle.

    I will continue to bf until my lo is 1 or 1.5 years old.

    I haven't gotten a chance to bf in public but I'm not ashamed to do it.

    I dont have any advice because when it comes to getting him to latch imma newbie. He just started latching almost everytime i bring him to breast a week ago when he was a month old.

    Sometimes when my lo latches it feels like he is twisting my nipple off and my nipples are so painful and lanion isn't helping anything can anyone help me out? Any pain relief options and ideas to help him latch better
  • I ebf haven't used a bottle yet bc we just weaned from the nipple sheild and I don't want to mess that up. I'm def going to a year as long as Shylas willing and won't try to wean her until 2. I haven't had any problems bfing in public but we've only done it a few times, my lo is 11 wks. I will be attending a nurse in on the 28th at Target so well see how it goes! I have a lot of tips so bear with me lol! When babe is born do immediate skin to skin and try to nurse. All babies lose weight at first remember your babies belly is the size of a small marble so colostrum is enough until milk comes in which could take time. Mine didn't come until 5 days pp! As long as babe doesn't loose over 10% of birth weight you are fine. If your worried count wet diapers6-8 week one and 8 plus after. Stay hydrated and stress free. Use nipple cream from the first feed on bc your nipples will get sore. If it gets unbearable use a sheild to heal but be warned its hard to wean off of them. This is hard but it gets easier I promise! Your lo may nurse around the clock that's normal its a growth spurt don't supplement they do that to build your supply. Only 2% of women actually have supply issues so don't stress unless you aren't getting enough wets and your lo is losing weight. If you supplement that can ruin your supply especially early on! Don't let the docs freak you out they say they are pro breastfeeding but in my experience give horrible advice and just add stress. Trust your body and your baby! Get help if you need to, there are soo many resources: La Leche League, Lactation Consultants, forums, facebooks The Leaky B@@b. And cherish that moment when your lo pops off and looks at you with that huge milk drunk grin, enjoy that bond.
  • I breastfeed and even tho its hard Im so proud of myself. I made my son go from 7.6 at birth to over twenty lbs in four months! :)
  • I'm breastfeeding (almost exclusively). Our pediatrician wanted me to supplement since she was slow to gain some weight after birth, but now I'm not giving her near as much formula. Some days she does not get any formula and others she might just get 2-4 oz. It's usually when she's acting frustrated while I'm trying to feed her do I give in to the bottle.

    I think I might breastfeed for a year. We'll see. I'm just so happy that I've breastfed this long since I never really breastfed my first two.

    The most I've publicly breastfed was while sitting in the car in a parking lot. I think my husband is the least comfortable with the idea. I always bring a bottle when we go out just in case.

    Sorry, no advice here. I still consider myself a beginner.
  • Best advice I can think of is surround yourself with a great support team because breastfeeding can be tough at times, physically and mentally.

    I breastfeed during the day as well as pump to freeze. I also use some pumped milk in bottles so my husband can bond with our daughter and to get a moment to breathe. I set daily goals for myself as far as how many oz I want to store for motivation, it helps.
  • edited December 2011
    haha the title of this post made me laugh :)
    I am breastfeeding exclusively, not pumping, no bottles. and its kinda nice. i believe in baby led weaning so however long it takes. i have had no issues in public but i have only been out once lol and my baby is 2 months.
    advice for those who have nursing issues is relax and take your time and dont stress! breastfeeding gets better oh and dont listen to a doc when it comes to breastfeeding. they know almost nothing about it! :)
  • I am Breastfeeding and pumping! Since I am back to work, I pump every 2-3 hours at work and strictly nurse when at home with baby.... Ive been breastfeeding for 2 months. The first week was so hard with all the engourment and baby not latching correctly. but after that its been a breeze. My baby is 2mnths and 12lbs. when he was born he was 7.56lbs, so hes gaining lots of weight.. Havent tried breastfeeding in public yet. and I plan on breastfeeding until my lo is 1.
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  • I am a proud breastfeeding Momma!

    I work so I pump at work, but nurse my baby when I am not working. I have had a bit of an issue keeping my supply up, but I seem to be keeping up with him.

    I bf my daughter for her whole first year and she self weened at 14 months. I plan to bf for a year again. I had to use a nipple shield with my dd the entire time, but my ds is a latching pro.

    I nurse in public. I always use a cover.

  • I'm exclusively breast feeding.
    No bottles, pumping (well, except the couple of times I was engorged and Isaac wasn't hungry and I thought they were going to explode rofl)
    I've nursed twice out in public when I've been at a restaurant with him, though we were in a booth so I doubt anyone noticed. Which is good because one of the time when I was removing him from under the cover it moved with him and I flashed my entire boob hahahhaha oh well.
    Isaac is 12 weeks old :-)
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  • Im feeding baby 3 exclusively shes 7 . monthsi fes my boys 16m when i ran out of milk dried up due to pregnancy advice do whT makes you happy n comfortable no one else has to live with ir decisions just u n ur baby
  • I EBF and loveee it! He nurses for however long he likes. I plan on bfing till around 6 months or maybe longer or until he has teeth and bites! Lol Then I will give him the bm I have pumped and saved along with baby food! BTW How long is bm good for in the freezer? Haven't had to nurse in public yet but I will if I need to. Just not in a bathroom cause that's gross! My boy will be 3 months on 1/2/12
  • edited December 2011
    EBF here too! Love it! My baby girl is 1 month now. It is a challenging the 1st week but sooo worth it! I ebf my son who is now 2 until he turned 1. I plan on doing the same with my daughter!
  • Ebf no bottles, she won't take them now anyway. Only boob for her!

    Big beleaver in baby led weaning, will be breastmilk only until 1 year.

    No public issues for us :)
  • I'm EBF and I pump for bottle feedings cuz it is nice to get a break every now and then lol. My lo is 3 1/2 wks old and this is my 3rd baby but my first that I have been successful with trying to breastfeed. I'm hoping to continue til she is 1 yr old. I have only bf'd in public in my truck before so no advice there really.
  • Ebf. My LO is 11wks. Will bf until 1yr.
    No public issues for me. I dare someone to say something to me! LOL
  • I bf and she gets 2 max 3 formula bottles a day and I haven't tryed in public just at babys r us nurcibg room and in gunna untill I can't and I love it she nurces for hr sometimes more or shell cuddle my boob and fall asleep lol
  • Ebf my six month old he's not interested in food yet. I'll nurse him til he's about 2. I nursed my first until he was 18 months and stopped because I was 5 months pregnant with no milk
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