
I'm 37+3 weeks and my doctor checked me for dilation. She told me that I was about a finger tip dilated and starting to soften. She then told me that she could feel the top of her head so she didn't think it was going to be anytime soon but there was a good possibility that shed be seeing me before my next appointment. I'm very confused. She said a lot of people don't generally start dilating until 38I +3 weeks. So when did you guys start dilating?


  • i started dilating at 36 weeks. she said i was 1 cm, felt the head and soft. i am now 40 weeks and 2 days. lol
  • With my thrid baby i started dilating around 35 weeks and was at a three for the last three weeks!! It sucks and I had her 6 days early! With my last one I started about 35 weeks alo and was induced 2 days befor my due date.. I think it just depends on your body! everyone is different! Good luck!
  • I didn't dialate with my son, and was induced at 40 weeks on the dot.

    With my daughter, I was a 2 for about a month, a 3 for about 2 weeks, and didn't dialate any further until my water broke at 38 weeks.
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  • Not everyone starts to dilate that late. I start at about 34 weeks so once labor hits its super fast.
  • I didn't dilate until a couple hours into my labor at 39 weeks
  • I never got checked but I gave birth at 37 wks. I was supposed to get checked at 38 lol
  • She told me I was just starting to efface and soften. I don't want to go over due lol. I know its all up to her but she's so low n it hurts. @txmommy93011 you never got checked?! @ sands so how did you know you were in labor? Did you get induced or just start off in active labor without dilation?
  • Nope never I went to my 36 wk app she told me next app I would get checked & get a sonogram went into labor 2 days later didn't even know when to the hospital after 2 whole days of back labor my dumbass dr told me it was my kidneys. Ended up being 2 cm 100% effaced & -1 lol
  • With my second I was dilated to a 3/4 at my 36 weeks...dilated to a 5 my next check at 37 weeks(ended up being in labor that day lol), my fourth I was dilated to a 2 at I believe 31 to 32 weeks? Then ended up dilating to a 4, and being in labor a few weeks later, and they did nothing to help me(military hospital) and I wouldn't dilate any further then a 4 for some reason, idk why. I had her at almost 42 weeks...I was in labor for two months before I had her. Talk about almost committing murder lol
  • @txmommy93011...your kind of lucky. I'm afraid of going in every week and getting more and more frustrated and sad if I don't dilate.if I could just go into labor that'd be great lol
    @christinalynn damn girl I would have definatly strangled someone. Labor for a few hours I'm sure is bad enough but two months! That's ridiculous!!
  • @noliesxjustlove I know right lol. I have PSD and they were telling me I was fine, to suck it up. Maybe that's why I didn't hurt much when they induced me, cause I was use to being in pain lol...assholes!!
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