Delivery Plan "Take Backs" or "Do Overs"

edited December 2011 in Postpartum Health
Is there is anything (if given the opportunity to) you would take back or do over during your recent delivery?


I would have passed on getting the Epideral and took back allowing for my in-laws to come in the delivery room just for a minute.

What about you?


  • I wish I would have said no to pitocin. Im almost positive thats why my delivery ended in a csection.
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  • Its something I had no control over but I would have took back my c-section for a vaginal birth! I would have opted not to be induced till 41wks!
  • I would take back the fact that I didnt get up in my nurses face when she said I couldnt have anything for pain right before I was about to have a natural childbirth.. and then funny part is, my OB asked her to get my some pain meds so I could push and she said NO lol
  • edited December 2011
    I had to go to the ICU due to breathing problems, and the nurse refused to allow me to try pumping milk for my baby. I regret not insisting otherwise because she was given formula and now shes not patient enough to breastfeed she wants the bottle :(
  • Drinking more water lol. I was so thirsty during l&d. I should have told the damn nurse the best spot for iv. But no she and her partner continued to stick me three times before getting someone else to do my iv. Oh I would have asked to be cut instead of tearing! Other than that my labor was smooth I got to l&d around 1130pm had my son at 104am. Pushed for 30min. Not to bad for ftm :) oh went natural other than a shot of pain medicine which didn't even help
  • wouldve slept the night before instead of watching football only a 3 hr labour but its tiring pushing out a 10lb12 baby
  • Lol I would of kicked my mom out the delivery room haha!
  • I wish I could have slept beforehand. And my labor wasn't so fast. Otherwise I had the best labor and birth out of my three pregnancies. I didn't have anything pushed on me and I got to birth my baby on my own time in my own space. :)
  • I would've made a note to remind myself that I have scars on my cervix from having it frozen... Would've saved me a lot of tearing...
  • I wish I would've been more demanding on receiving pain relief. My dr refused to order my epidural until I was 4cm. I was shaking from the pain and could barely speak. I was exhausted come time to push from the pain, but I pushed him out in 45 mins. The pitocin *reeealllly* kicked my ass. I think I'll skip it next time unless absolutely necessary.
  • I wish I had stayed home... My doula had her midwife on call because she thpught I wasnt going to maks it to the hospital.
    Also wish the nurse hadnt tossed my placenta before I had a chance to see it.
    Other wise everything was amazing,.my ob and nurses were all suuportive of my natural labor/delivery.
    I just hate hospitals
  • Nothing whatsoever, I loved my labor and delivery process :)
  • @littlefae o no no, you do not want to see that thing, while they were cleaning of lo (i dont exactly remember) but at some point he called my mom and husband over and they were playing with the placenta... I almost threw up.
    I would make my mom leave the room right after giving birth, she kept touchinf my boobs trying to get baby to breastfeed ... Weird. I also wish i would've grown a pair and asked for another night nurse. I yot the same bitch both nights, it was hell
  • @Kimberly4411 - lol I know what one looks like and what to expect but I still wanted to see it. That was even in my birth plan, luckily the only thing they didn't fallow :)
  • I wish my labor wasn't so fast! I feel i didn't have time to prepare myself because my labor was only an water broke& not 30seconds later my contractions were30 seconds apart and i had an overwhelming urge to push.
  • I would have shaved first they dry shave u for a c section...ouch
  • Well I had a csection with both of my boys and there is nothing I would really take back. With my second one though, I got sick and it was horrible. The day after I had him I was getting ready to take a shower, was feeling good and getting back to normal. Well I got nausous all of a sudden, so I sat down for a few minutes before heading to shower. I then threw up A LOT (hardly was eating though)... it may not have been a lot but it felt like it was and went on forever. It was the worst feeling in the world, the shower waited another day and I didnt not get back out of bed the rest of the day! You dont realize how many stomach muscles you use when you puke until you dont have any. I felt like I ripped the whole incision open and it hurt sooo bad, but thankfully it was all good. I would def take that part back.
  • I wouldn't of been induced!!
  • My l&d was perfect. I gotto the hospital and was only 1cm but they decided to keep me for observation. 1 1/2hrs later I had to go potty and the nurse asked if I wanted to get checked again. I said sure, and to everyones surpise I was 8cm. Everyone was shocked. They called the doc and he was 30 min away. He barely made it in time. When he got there he looked between my legs and she was already crowning. 5 pushes and she was out. Everything went so fast I got the natural delivery I wanted. Didn't tear or anything. I was up and walking minutes after (lol the nurses were chasing after me cuz I was bleeding everywhere)(sry tmi)

    The only thing I would change is where they put the iv. I should have spoke up and told the nurse where to put it. But my hand was bruised for a week after.
  • I would've tried to do without the epi. I made it to a 7 before I got it and my contractions weren't killing me. I also would've made it just be me and Taylor for like a hour after he was born. We had my mom and his mom in there while I was pushing. But as soon as I was stiched up, like 20 people were walking in my room and passing Bentley around and I just wanted to hold him.
  • I wish I would of tried talking my doctor into the water birth and anything to not have the epidural , maybe pain meds to take the edge off but that's it & to remember to tell my doc to let my hubby cut the cord , his first baby & the doc just took it upon himself to cut it ! I was so pissed :/
  • @ta2edblondie My scars prevented my cervix from dilating until the last minute so my lady bits didn't have time to stretch to accommodate my son's gigantic head. Thank God he was only 5 lb 12oz.
  • i would of skipped the pitocin. i didnt even know they gave it to me until the nurse came in and said "ok i'm going to bump your pitocin up a notch"...if it wasn't for that I don't think I would of needed the epidural since I went until I was around 7cm without it! Also I wish they wouldnt of thrown my placenta away..I wanted to take it home and dehydrate it and make supplements. :(
  • wash my hair that got more ready and ate!
    I woke wash my body threw my hair up..went to my 40 wk check up..then off to the hospital had like nothing to eat that day..maybe some cereal and cheese-its
    yep that's it..oh wish I wore my gut sucker thing asap..but I was in pain cus my uterus contracting back
  • oh yeah! and to look more decent when i went in! i looked like a mess! i rolled out of bed at all a mess, and in my pajamas...and didnt have my son until 7:47pm! I was looking crazy the whole time I was in labor and my hair looked awful! haha deff would want to redo that one!
  • @ta2edblondie my 2 month old was my first because my other 2 were Preemie. This was my hbac too :) its amazing because its a whole different perspective from watching a home birth. The hormones are just amazing when your birth is not messed with. Its awesome to see a ftm who did this :)
  • I would've gotten my water broke earlier and started pitocin earlier so my doc could've delivered my baby... thee on call doc had me sitting there with my babies head almost out and made me stop pushing until she got there UGH that hurt!!!
  • Wished I never got an epi with my second, third and fourth was a waste.cause it didn't hit until after I pushed
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