soooo kinda an awkward question but im desperate!

edited December 2011 in Pregnant
So ever since about yesterday ive been literally I feel like ima bout to start my period, but when I look it's wetness (I'm sure you get the picture lol I dont have to describe it :) )

So anywho tomorrow ill be 7dpo anyone experience this? I can't remember if this happened with Kay n Joe.


  • Are you sure you ovulated 7 days ago. I'm always wetter when I ovulate.
  • @mom2ing yea!

    @mimii36 yea I did I ovulate every 27 days I test on the 6th. When I ovulate its more stringy lol then watery.
  • Hmmm.maybe this is your month!
  • Did you experience this? I just can't remember what happened with my oother two! I hope it is my month girl!! I seriously am out of time. Hobby deploys to afgan next week!!! @mimii36

  • Yes..I had ALOT more discharge when I was pregnant. I cant remember how early it started but I know I eventually had to wear pantiliners!
    Hopefully this is it for you guys!! :-D
  • @mimii36 yea I have like ruined these pantys lol totally need oxy clean lol. I hope si too thanks!
  • I had that both times when i was pregnant. felt like i was bleeding or spotting but absolutely nothing. i hope its a good sign
  • I wish you the best girl. You desrve it.
  • I'm sorry...I don't remember
  • Thanks lady's sorry I'm just getting back I been on the phone for an hour about my internet ...wireless! And the MOTHER F LOST SIGNAL ON MY CELL AND DROPPED THE CALL!
  • I'm 26 weeks along and still have a lot of discharge. It was really bad when I fist found out I was pregnant. I never knew when I ovulated. I just knew when I started getting a lot more discharge I was pregnant. Good luck to you!
  • I cant remember how soon it started buti did i was soaking my underwear. It was prob around 3 to 4 wks pregnant cuz i had no clue i was pregnant yet
  • That's how it was for me for my son, my two pregnancies after (MC both) and now for the one I'm carrying! Its a gross feeling! I hope it means a bfp for you! And let me just say, welcome back! (I just put two and two together, so sorry its late!)
  • I dunno but my toes & fingers & legs & arms are crossed for u!!!! Lol -I had that when ovulating but it's also a pregnancy thing too.... :-D
  • edited December 2011
    Ohhhh snap I DID get ur text...i swear that phone is a PIECE :( BUT when u was first prego, exactly this time last year, it happened to me! Dude....this anticipation is killing me....@kristaf22 hurry up and come home so she can test already damnit! Lol
  • I hope the discharge has good reasoning! Hehe! :D
  • Im 15 weeks tomorrow and have had alot of discharge from the start,i kept thinking i was bleeding but just a watery discharge,its definatly a good sign,baby dust your way
  • I have no idea, whenever I was pregnant I always had a ton of nasty goopy discharge... gag. Hoping you get a bfp!
  • @everyone lol yall are so funny! Ok so @lovinmy4 darn phone!! Lol and yes dude you were pregnant lol if I am ill be during Sept 15.
    @kristaf22 I'm waiting on you!! I will not test till your watching lol
    @Mrsrocketfield1221 thank you for all your crosses!!
    @momma_tiffay me too!
    @kezzie thank you!! I hope so too
    @outlaw_Sphinx thanks!! Lol
  • @kristaf22 dude im on my laptop, how do i post pics on a discussion from my laptop?
  • I did the same thing. I checked my underwear every hour thinking I just started, but ended up being discharge. I was so happy when I was finally pregnant.
  • @newmommyfeb2012 how long after that did you get a +?
  • Well it started happening about a week before I was late and I tested two days after being late with a really faint positive.
  • oh wow. lol bc im 7dpo and m supposed to test on the 7th well thats when af is due. but someone (@kristaf22) woint hurry and come home so i can test sooner. lol
  • Lol well baby dust your way :-) it'll be so amazing to see that after e everything.
  • @newmommyfeb2012 girl i know. like im so nervous i dont wanna get my hopes up but i dont wanna over look it. ahhhhhhhhhh idk idk idk i wanna test early
  • My pic are uploaded they snap fish, I just go there and click on share photo. Share link and copy and paste it on to the thread... hope that helps
  • hahaha lol. I know how you feel. Just hold off because it is negative being so anxious will just make it a bigger let down. Besides its only a week :).
  • @starlilly ok ima try it .
    @newmommyfeb2012 yeah its just a week plus itll go by fast idk if i wanna test before or after my hubby leaves im suppose to test on the 7th hubby depkoys n the 6th
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