I'm thinking its not the actual baby they use a prototype for every day it grows its just sensitive enough to see when they flip around or what they are doing. Or maybe it just picks up a heartbeat and tells you the baby is doing things? Idk if it is legit it'd b cool n I'd wear it around close family.
OK I just did the research and it does use 4da technology. I think it would be neat but I'd only use it in times of doubt. I think it'd take the surprise factor away and desensitize me to the ultrasounds my doctors order. I think it'd add excitement in some areas but take it away in others if that makes sense?
I'd wear it if i had the chance. However, i love that when u r preg the baby is ALL urs and u dont have to share baby w anyone... So...? Its interesting! Makes ya wonder what it will b like for our kids one day.
after what i went threw? heck yes idn wear that shiz all day everyday to wallmart to shiz to the gas station id wear during labor to make sure everything is ok.
@Jay_July1 So far, it's a REAL concept, no word on if she's started making them yet. She did win an Australian Design Award so I'm thinking it would motivate her to start production.
I was LOLing at the website's forum! geeez!