i was just called a bitch...

edited January 2012 in Pregnant
For putting my son on my bed and turning the light off so he'd go to lbed. He's been bad on fighting his sleep lately and I read that turning the lights off will let them know the difference between bedtime and daytime. Well he was fighting his sleep so I layed him on my bed where he sleeps every night, put his pack in, turned the lights off and came back into the living room . And my mom called me a "fucking bitch" because I left him in a dark room. Um.....am I wrong for this?


  • Paci * not pack.
  • Not at all...that's how my daughter knows mom means business and its time for bed.
  • I wouldnt have done that
  • Wow that's nuts. There's no reason for her to call you that. That is fine!!! Your not a bi+(h for doing that. Mayne get a night light or something but still then again your not a bi+(h for it!
  • No. Does she expect him to sleep in a bright room? Ignore her.
  • edited January 2012
    Umm wtf! So shes mad because the room is dark? Sounds like shes the bitch. I don't see what u did wrong.
  • Not at all. I usually kept a light on with my lo and she was up every 3hrs. The last 2nights lights out. She slept 10hrs the first night and 8hrs last night.
  • No! I put my 2montj old in her crib then I turn off the lights and leave the door barely cracked open n she goes right to sleep all by herself! She sleeps best this way.... Your the mom u kno wats best... Tht was uncalled for she should respect tht ur the mom and u kno your child!
  • Kelsie...I don't understand your mom sometimes lol. I put all four of my kids in the dark, I must be a horrible monster!!! :-p
  • edited January 2012
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  • Yeah my bed is by the wall and when im not in there, he's by the wall with a pillow by him. I left the door cracked too in case he started crying. Well she freaks because that's "mean and wrong" went in my room, turned the lamp on and he was just laying there looking around . He was fine, wtf.
  • Wow! I'd make her put him to sleep then!
  • @cristinalynn trust me, I don't understand her either. She also thinks I'm mean because I don't feed him table food. Wtf he's not even 6 months old yet!
  • Lol. When she's trying to go to sleep tonight, go in her room and flick the light on. HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?!
  • Roflmao @fate

    DO ITTTTT, I DOUBLE DARE U! LMAO @BentleysMommy716

    ......My bby sleepa with the t.v & no volume...but that boy sleepa thru anything! Lol.
  • edited January 2012
    I'm serious. If she wants to be your son's mother, show her what it feels like. I'm not nice when people try to be my kids' "mommy". Ummmm. 'They came out of MY vagina, ma'am. Not yours. Good day!' Back when my husband and I used to talk his mother (mind you, she got all FIVE of her children taken from her), when my oldest was born, she would do this same crap! We use Pampers diapers (they are extra cushy), and she would constantly change her diapers. Every 10 minutes. "She was wet"... Ok, let me see... *Removes diapers from trash, feeling and SMELLING each one*.. HMM!!! Not one of them was even pee'd in! Orrrrrrrrr (3 month old Brianna now back in June '08), I come out of the bathroom while we're visiting her.... I take Brianna from her, I smell something sweet on her breath. "WHAT DID YOU GIVE HER??" She had given her an entire container of YOGURT in a baby food bottle that was used on GOATS. Why?! Her words ---> "Why not? It won't hurt her.. I think I know more than you." Do you not realize that yogurt can KILL her if she's allergic, and when is the last time (if ever) you sterilized that bottle?? And that was the last time we ever seen her. The moment she put my child in danger, "because she will do what she wants", is the LAST straw. Excuse me, you had your chance to be a parent. You FAILED and will not use my children as back up. [-(
  • @fate holy sh*t i woulda punched her in the face!
  • My "mil" told me i need to feed my baby cereal in a bottle cause she's almost 3months and can't eat off a spoon. She said she needs food now because she's not full off her bottle. Her bottle is 4oz. I can increase it. But i told her straight up. "I AM NOT PUTTING CEREAL IN HER BOTTLE. IM NOT DOING IT. SHE CAN HAVE MORE FORMULA!"

    I know its off topic but the point is, there will always be someone who thinks they know better when it comes to parenting but in the end we are the mothers and we know what's best.
  • Wow my mom calls me a bitch all the time but just jokingly I would slap her if she ever meant it. And @fate omg!!
  • I'm so sorry that's so wrong of her to do. You are the mother u would never do anything to hurt your child she should know that.. And plus u are exactly right I read it in my book and many websites on the internet say that to teach your lo diff between day and night to make sure have lights off and no noise when it's bed time/night. And during the day have light and continue with the everyday noise yo u had before the baby and get things done just like regular day and dont think about the noise or wakin them up..sounds to me like ur doing that perfectly so please don't let her mean words get to u.. You are a great mother., good luck!
  • Personally I don't like night lights... I kind of feel like it will make the child dependant on them and mildly afraid of the dark when they are older. I've turned my daughter's light out from day one and have never had a problem. You're not a b!+ch! You're a mother ;) <3 <3
  • If you're a bitch for doing that, then about 90% of mothers are in the same boat as you. I must be a bitch, too, because I put both of my kids to bed then turn off the lights. So I guess that makes me a double bitch...whaaaa! :((
  • I have probably a stupid question, but i would love for it to be semi dark again, what do ya'll do when lo wakes up? The lights are too bright to turn on. as of now she's sleeping in our room and we have the bathroom door cracked enough so i can see, but we're moving her next week to her crib, i dont want her to be dependant on a nitelite
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