I'm not registering for a

edited January 2012 in Pregnant
Swing, for those of you with babies do you think it's a bad idea?
I work in a day care center & I do not want my child to become a swing baby! I want it to be in it's crib on it's back! Always. I just feel like if I start with crib & never look back it will be easier on me in the long run.

***just adding.... Many are saying that baby will get bored in a crib which I totally understand since I work in a day care. I plan on having a bouncer and play matts on the ground for baby too and probably a pack & play in the living room. Now that I think of it we really don't even have room for a swing! Or pack & play for that matter lol.


  • edited January 2012
    My swing saves my days. He's not attached but I'm so glad to have it because my son suffered from severe reflux since birth, having the swing gave us a place to keep him upright instead of carrying him for an hour after a bottle. You just never know what will happen. Having one wouldn't hurt, especially one given as a gift :)
  • My lo loved his swing but always slept in crib at night. We know have a highchair swing combo and he never uses the swing unless hes watching tv and i need to get something done ( shower, dishes) my advice if you do get a swing get one the plugs in. Our used batterys. :(
  • @kayycarter I'm going to register for like those bouncer things that lay them up right, & also boppy pillows! I just don't want to rely on it and end up using it daily!
  • I'd get one. My lo hated it at first but now she likes it and it keeps her occupied while I do stuff. Although she just got a jumper and now that's her new fave lol.
  • Oh and there's nothing wrong with using it daily, they'll grow out of it on their own.
  • We love our swing!! In the beginning he lived in, now 12 weeks old and he probably spends a total of a hour or two a day in it. Laying in the crib on their back doesn't occupy them all.day. so u have to rotate Ur options and try to get as much as u can hands free time!
  • I had one for Lilium and it was great when she was under 4 months old. I would put her in it for about an hour a day while I did dishes, cleaned up the kitchen and started laundry. Once she became self mobile she wanted nothing to do with it. Your baby will only be in the swing as much as you put it in doesn't have to live in it.
  • edited January 2012
    Before I got the swing I had to have my lo in my arms ALL day. I couldn't get anything done around the house until my husband would get home from work and give me a break. Well my pregly buddy suggested I try the swing. We went out and bought one and he loves it. So now I can actually get stuff done around the house & even make dinner:) he's only in there a few hours a day.
  • I barely got a swing maybe a werk ago and love it. He spends an hour in it at different times and I get alot done now. I wish I would of got it sooner. I recommend it. I have a bouncer also and he's slowly growing out of it. He hated it as a newborn then only spent 30 min a day in it. Now he's getting to big for it. Lol
  • Oh no. I highly recommend a swing. I seriously doubt there will be any attachment. Laying in the crib cant occupy them at an early age. You need more than one or two options. A swing is GREAT.
  • I agree with everyone who days to get one! It would always work for my three month old and now he's grown out of it on his own! Just don't put your baby in it for every time you need to do something, rotate between play mat, bouncer, swing, your arms, crib, etc to keep lo occupied!
  • I highly reccommend it. As long as you have them sleeping in their crib at bed time from the begining I dont think it would become a problem. When babies start hitting 3 or so months they do not sleep as much during the day and get bored easily. That is what I have noticed atleast with my two boys. I cant hold them and play ALL day I have to get things done too, so its keeps him happy for a while and I like that. They do not have to be in it all the time, but what else is there? They can use play mats and bouncy things too but having the swing atleast gives you more options if they are fussy and bored.
  • Hmm, I never used a swing with my first two, just a bouncy. This baby has a swing and she don't like to be in it for very long. So I would say a swing isn't a necessity, but could definitely be a help depending on your baby.
  • I love my swing it helps to give him change my baby gets bored easily
  • I had to let my son sleep in his for 2 months because his reflux was so bad...he sleeps in crib fine now...easy transition...and still enjoys swing when he's getting tired but doesn't want to sleep yet..just swings and relaxes a lil.
  • I love our swing. It lets me wash bottles and dishes and eat.
  • You will need a million little options to keep the baby company a crib just won't cut it! Our swing is a life saver, she has one with a mobile on top and she stares at it for hours. I get A LOT done when she's in there. Plus babies don't want to be laying down all the time. I don't think he/she will get attached. We also got a lil bright stars vibration chair that she likes too. Good luck :)
  • I don't think I'm gonna get one either. This baby is gonna have four sisters...so lol I don't think we need it
  • I hate swings too. Never used one on any of my kids. My sister uses a vibrating seat, seems to work well if you need a minute to yourself. I'm on my baby's schedule though, I didn't make her adapt to mine.
  • It would be to hard to tag everyone on my phone but working in a day care really opens my eyes to how different babies are!
    My coworkers son is 5 months very close to 6m old and he sleeps in a swing or in the moving basket. I guess I shouldn't blame it so much on him getting use to it. Because she just won't let him cry or whine for even 5 min! One day about 2-3w ago I had put him in a crib he whined for less then 5 min & then slept for 3 hrs! Now he hasn't since. He sleeps in bed with mom at night or in his swing. Never in his crib! And I don't want to turn into that!
  • Well maybe that is what works for their family...some people (myself included) don't think there is anything wrong with not allowing a baby to cry (whining is different) and also dont think anything is wrong with co sleeping. If you don't want your child to do that stuff then that's fine to ...you should do your own thing and not compare your situation to anyone else's...it's not your place to judge any parent for their parenting style. IMO...
  • edited January 2012
    I mean just because those parents did those things is no sign you have too. The swing isn't the problem..its the other peoples parenting style. You can get a swing and not take the same actions as they did. And I agree with @Ashley_smashley there is nothing wrong with cosleeping. When babies are newborns it is VERY hard to get them to sleep on a crib. I mean there were inside you for 9 months. All they want is to be close to mommy! I told myself when I was pregnant that I would NEVER cosleep. Well lets just say you don't know that for a fact until the opportunity arises. Now I don't plan on cosleeping after around maybe 6 months. But for now..cosleeping is SO much easier. I bet if you took a poll of how many babies actually sleep in there crib as soon as they arrive home...it would not be many. I'm just saying..dont say what you will and wont do just yet. And definantly don't count out having a swing. It could be the best thing you come across!
  • I would get one for sure we got ours as a gift and love it saves us all the time and I have place to set her even if shes not swinging do I can get things done without having to put her in her crib... Its up to u of u really don't want one then don't get one but I sure feel like its been a blessing to us and I'm thankful my friend got us one :)
  • Well my baby hates his swing I wish he didn't but he does & never has liked it really! Maybe he will sit in ot for 10 mins a day lol maybe! So I wouldn't say buy it buy it b/c it could turn out to be a waste of money but I think it would be a great gift! However, if you don't want to use it and don't plan on trying then it would just be a waste of someone else's money so if you don't want it then don't register for it. It's your baby do what you feel is right for your family.
  • @mimii36 I know I'm trying to say i hope I'm not like that. co sleeping scares me with the sids stuff! So I really don't want to do that. I would definately use a swing in the middle of the might then that I'm just terrified in that sense. My sil had twins dec 2 and since they've been home on dec 5.they have slept in cribs at bed time! I think I want to get a basinet for in my room until baby out grows that and then it would go in the crib!
    @jules my sils twins will be too big for their swing that was given to then by the time my baby is born so she said we could have it if we want it! I think what I will do if I indeed take it is if he or she falls asleep in it I will stop the swing. The motion of moving and sleeping for hrs and then not sleeping good at night is what I don't want to happen!
  • I swore I would.never cosleep but when they come home all they do is cry and eat. I am breast feeding so it was easy for us to sleep together and feed at night! Your just so tired to fight with it. I mean honestly you will do anything if it works! After a couple weeks when I started feeling better my Lo started sleeping in his crib (3-4 weeks old). The first few nights were rough but now its the best thing we have done yet! It's funny bc you will end up doing so many things u swore u wouldn't do and things u talked trash about other ppl doing! My husband and I laugh at ourselves all the time!
  • That sounds like great idea I would do the same and I usually just put my daughter in it during the day that way she can be out in the living room with us if she is naping I don't always turn the thing on ya know.
  • I had a very expensive swing w my girls that NEVER got used. None of em really care for it. So for us it was a big waste of money and space. U just never know if u will need one or not.
  • I don't have a swing, didn't even think to register for one, but I wish I had one. I'm running out of ways to entertain my little one..
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