Will my supply dry up?

edited January 2012 in Breastfeeding
I will be starting a full time job next week and won't be pumping. My baby will be getting formula while I'm away, but I'd like to breastfeed while I'm home if that's going to be possible. Does anyone else do this? I'm so worried I will dry up and won't be able to do it at all anymore.


  • pump on breaks? Your boobs are gonna get full every 2-3 hours you will definitely need to pump.
  • I would assume if you dont pump at all during your time away from lo yes your supply will drop
  • Ur supply might drop but I think u will still be about to pump some. Right now I pretty much exclusively pump. I pump early in the morning (so u could before work) and then I pump around four and then at ten. Not sure what hrs you'll be working but I still think u will be able to continue with some breast feedings!
  • Yea ur gunna need to pump bc they will get full
  • Your supply is going to go waaaaaaay down if you don't pump during the day. It's a supply and demand thing for your body. If you don't empty your breast every few hours then your body will assume you don't need that much milk for your child and stop making as much. You need to be pumping at work every few hours.
  • @WyattsMommy Oh wow, that is exactly what I was hoping for but wasn't sure if it was possible for my body to adjust like that.
  • @WyattsMommy yup reverse cycling. My baby just naturally nurses more at night so I'm fuller at that time
  • It is the law that your employer give you as many breaks as you need to pump at work. They don't have to pay you during the breaks, but they absolutely have to let you pump.
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